Since the beginning of 2022, many day traders have struggled to navigate the sudden significant shifts in market volatility. Each day, it seems as if they’re facing economic events that create account-killing moves, whether it be bearish retracements, reversals, etc. As a result, many believe that volatility is something to run away from when they should be taking advantage of it. That’s why Raghee Horner is now sharing her Day Trading Survival Guide with traders like you.
Carrying over 30+ years of trading experience, Raghee is finally declassifying how she’s endured numerous volatility events while maintaining a consistently profitable account for more than 30 years. Get the step-by-step guide to discover what drives the market and how she’s surviving it all.
Here’s just some of what Raghee will cover:
How key hours in the day give most traders their “edge”
A solid understanding of what’s really driving this market
Case Study: Raghee’s $225 per option XLK Setup
Raghee’s automated tools for conquering unreliable markets
How Raghee’s PnL remains profitable after 30+ years of trading
Why historical volatility affects futures, options, and ETF traders