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Hey It’s Andre (the co-founder and founder of TLB and the co-author of ARM & SOI):
We’re glad that you’ve decided to take a look.
Have you ever you read ZAG? ZAG?
It’s included in the 100 Best Business Books of All Time (by 800-CEO-READ).
If you’re not already yet, you must. It’s brilliant.
In business , there are two strategies to choose from:
Do (copy) the same thing everybody other people are doing. just little better or less expensive or slightly more efficient.
Do or do something different and distinctive. Something that makes a statement. It is something that has rapid, not marginal results.
Disruptive strategies begin with determination to be a zag where the others do not. If your competition is turning left, then you should look to the to the right.
There’s a lot more value to you and those you wish for to be serving, when you choose to change your mind.
And it’s actually not all that difficult to achieve.
It doesn’t require any extraordinary foresight.
It’s not about seeing what other people don’t.
Simply read the herd.
If your competitors start going in the same direction, all you have to do is to inquire:
What happens if I run to the other direction?
However, it’s not the best option that is suitable for everyone.
Because it requires courage.
Guts to not copy the mass as well as incumbents and change to the other (more “risky”) direction.
It’s as scary as it gets.
This is a positive sign. It’s a signal that you need to be able to lean on rather than stay clear of.
It’s the only path to take in order to be noticed so that you stand out an ever-growing online community of distracted people.
The herd mentality offers an chance for the individual who is out of the group, the creator who is willing to take another path; one that might not be successful.
As with 37 Signals (Basecamp) We’ve decided to keep our business deliberately small..
We believe that “small” (hence the “tiny” in our namesake) is a key to being relevant and serving in a sea of chaos and distractions.
To be brave enough to pursue something important.
To have a positive impact on the world even if that impact is tiny (tiny even).
We’re OK with the small.
This is what makes us all excited , sweaty beneath the collar. Supporting those who are passionate about making and distributing amazing products to make a difference and be a part of their tribe.
… but not all those who are the “Franks” of this word — who “think about doing something” or “talk about doing something” but never ever something meaningful.
We place a premium on deliberate practice (the practice that is done) over theories (just reading more books).
“If more information were the answer, we’d all be billionaires with perfect abs.” -Derek Sivers Derek Sivers
Our brand (TinyLittleBusinesses) was born 11 years ago (although I’ve been at this online thing full-time for 19 years (since 2003).
If you’d like to learn the details of my story, read my origin story below. It’s a great to read. It’s about Las Vegas and an asshole boss.
(Fair Warn Fair Warning: Some of the language can be “colorful”, should that type of thing upset you. )
We love the work we do.
We get up each day and are excited about the possibility of helping others to build levels, improve and enhance their lives and businesses.
Our work is the life of ours.
We’ve decided to do that and it’s the way we’ve designed our business.
It’s possible that you’re here because of curiosity (hey! ).
You could be here because of a necessity (great, maybe we’ve come across something that’s just right the way for you).
or reach out to us directly or via email, and we’ll get talking about how we can help you find the issue you’re to solve.
Sales Page Link
Official Price: $997
Our Price: $35
Email us if you want to buy it or contact us on chat!