
Jason Fladlien – Murder The Objection

Original price was: $999.00.Current price is: $29.84.

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Download Now Murder The Objection by Jason Fladlien.  Download This Course For Cheap Price…

Murder The Objection WHAT YOU GET?

The 10/80/10 market segmentation theory that 1) lets you scoop up immediate sales 2) helps you hone in on the right kind of potential customers and 3) steers you clear from time-wasters who are never going to buy anyway!

Eye-opening frame change that will remove your internal obstacles to successfully market and sell

Why even the best, most targeted audience will say no 99.8% of the time (if you don’t do this little thing I’ll show you on day 1)

The “Hot Model” type of close that can be either a huge blunder… or catapult your income into the next tax bracket! (Personally, I love paying more in taxes… because it means I made more money!)

Why price is never the biggest objection – even though every Tom, Dick and Harry thinks it is. You’ll discover

juicy tactics to dissipate the price objection – sometimes even without talking about it!

The “Michelangelo’s David” approach to eliminating nearly impossible-to-overcome objections – with this, you’ll be able to

sell saunas in the desert and iced lemonade in the Arctic


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Official Price: $997
Our Price: $30
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