
Peng Joon – Legacy Mentoring

Original price was: $499.00.Current price is: $27.51.

Peng Joon – Legacy Mentoring | 357 MB

Legacy Mentoring The Exact Ads, Targeting and Funnels That Are Crushing It Right Now
There is an extremely good chance I have scaled or help scaled a business similar to yours.
I can tell you EXACTLY how we did it. We worked on 3 main components. The offer, funnel, and traffic.

You will not find that ANYWHERE, nor will you find someone who has done it successfully so many times.
On This Strategy Call We Will.

Understand where you’re currently at and show you how you can accelerate and get faster through structuring your funnel and offer.
Spot key areas of growth in your marketing and provide in analysis on action steps to take.
Determine if we can help you get there faster and if we are a good fit to work with each other.

Legacy Mentoring is a term that generally refers to a mentoring relationship or program focused on leaving a lasting impact and creating a legacy. It involves the transfer of knowledge, skills, and guidance from experienced individuals to others who are seeking personal or professional growth.It can take various forms and may cover a wide range of topics and areas, such as entrepreneurship, leadership, personal development, career advancement, or specific industries.

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