
Trade Tops & Bottoms

Original price was: $499.00.Current price is: $25.01.

Trade Tops & Bottoms | 483 MB

Trade Tops Professional Traders Know When a Market Has Bottomed and Topped – Do You?
Learn to Read Tops & Bottoms and Dramatically Improve Your Trading

Imagine possessing the ability to know when a market is turning. What would it be like to clearly see this occur-not after the fact-but as it is happening? How would you feel if you were able to capture long trade entries at the bottom of the market and initiate shorts at the top? How would you feel if you could do this frequently in your trading?
Well, all this is very possible.

TopBottom 1A recent bottom in daily Soybeans. Once the bottom was in, the market moves relentlessly up pushing through resistance for good profits. Savvy traders knew this was a choice opportunity. This tutorial teaches you in detail how to read this and other great opportunities.

Every trader would like to be able to pick off the top and bottom of a market. After all, this is the location for maximal profits. But few traders know how to do it. They jump the gun and sit through sideways movement and feel the pressure. Worse, they try to pick a top or find a bottom but keep getting stopped out as the market trends on. Frustrated, they miss the big move.

Many turn to indicators-and these can be helpful at times-but they often advise the trader to buy when the market is about to sell off or vice versa. Have you had that happen to you, more than once? To be able to read a top or know that a bottom is in, you need more.

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