Lana Sova – Launch Sequence Secrets | 3.33 GB
Lana Sova What You Get:
Part #1: The Method
– The structure of a profitable launch sequence in ANY niche on ANY low to medium-price offers or products (from $0.99 to $999)
– Step-by-step formula to writing email launch sequence that converts
– The Bottom-Up Approach to writing the entire sequence in just one day
– The difference between a product launch and welcome automation: how to get maximum profits
– The #1 thing most copywriter neglect after the launch that burns the list and sets up the next launch for failure
– Avoid these 3 common launch sequence strategies that cause the launch to bomb!
– 7 tricks that squeeze the most juice out of the list without burning it out
– The Profitability Frequency: how often should you email
– Does length matter? How long should the launch sequence be for maximum profits
– How to make your client say hell yes to your launch sequence service offer without batting an eye
– The sure-fire launch success questionnaire list: ask your clients these questions to secure a profitable launch
– Bonus: 5 SMS-marketing strategies to boost launch conversions
Part #2: The Application
– A step-by-step breakdown of some of my best-performing launch sequences in various niches
– A demo of how I use the structure to write a sequence in a one day
– A personalized live critique of your launch structure and copy of some of the copywriters in the niches
Special Bonus #1
The Anatomy of Emails That Sell
Discover how to beat email controls for your clients.
Or how to write emails that sell using a simple step-by-step formula.