
Teachable – Build Your Audience

Original price was: $997.00.Current price is: $60.06.

Teachable Sales Page Link
Official Price: $997
Our Price: $50
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Create a quick and easy mini course to attract your first subscribers the smart way
What’s the #1 pain point for new course creators?
You’ve done everything the right way. You’ve researched your niche, validated your course topic, and you KNOW you’re building a transformative, high-quality online course. There’s just one big problem…
…who’s going to buy your course?
The biggest blocker to your success as an online course creator isn’t the quality of your videos or the design of your website—it’s the people in your audience. Before you launch your online course, you need ONE thing: an engaged online audience.
Luckily, you can quickly attract that audience with an easy-to-create resource: a mini course.
Learn how a mini course can grow your audience from 0 to 500 (and beyond!)
In this course, you’ll learn how to use one small piece of your expertise to create a free (but valuable) mini course. You’ll use it as a powerful marketing tool to grow your audience, and leave with a list of real people enrolled in your mini course and excited about buying your standard course when you launch.
The best news? You only need 500–1,000 subscribers to have a profitable course launch.

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