
Kinobody – Greek God 2.0 Program

Original price was: $497.00.Current price is: $35.02.

Kinobody – Greek God 2.0 Program | 860 MB Greek God Build muscle and stay lean. That’s the goal. Unfortunately, very few people have been able to actually achieve this. They go on different muscle-building programs and one of three things happen. Their faces becomes more puffy. Their chest lacks that square, plate-of-armor look. Most muscle building gurus talk about eating ridiculous amounts of calories. Always be eating and just put on that size. Anyone can do that. It’s really easy. The second thing that happens is people just spin their wheels over and over again. They’re training five to six days a week. The third thing that happens is people focus on doing too much volume in the wrong areas. They’re doing tons of squats and deadlifts. What’s going on is that most people don’t focus on what’s really important, and that’s three key factors. Number One: Stay Lean Number Two: Cut Down the Volume Most fitness programs focus on too much volume. Gurus want you to chase the pump and the squeeze and the feel. This doesn’t make you stronger. What creates muscle growth? Progressive overload. If you go from doing a 100-pound bench press to a 200-pound bench press, your chest is going to grow. A lot. That’s the bottom line. And that muscle is there to stay.  the pump and squeeze stuff ? it fluctuates. You go in on chest day, your arms look small. You go in on arm day, your chest looks small. You’re constantly a slave to the gym to have a certain look. Number Three: Structure Training Around a Goal    


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