Alex Cattoni – The Storm

What You Get:

Story Trinity
The 3 Types of Stories That Sell
Discover the foundational storytelling techniques that shape today’s most memorable marketing campaigns. In Level 1, you’ll learn how to tell aligned, relevant and valuable stories with The Story Trinity – our 3-step method for amplifying empathy, creating loyalty and connecting with your customers in a way that A.I. could never replicate. Then you’ll discover the 5x5x5 Multiplier Strategy that we use at the Copy Posse to automate and systemize storytelling. With this process, you’ll create your very own Story Inventory so you NEVER run out of powerful and persuasive content ideas ever again.

Trust Campaigns
Proven Content Marketing & List-Building Formulas
Buyer behavior has changed massively over the past decade. With overwhelming options available and a cacophony of content around every corner, customers today need more time and more trust before they can commit. In Level 2, you’ll learn the omni-channel marketing strategies and list-building formulas we follow to easily publish thousands of content touchpoints a year, create desire that inspires action and build our email list on auto-pilot. You’ll walk away from this session with a proven and repeatable action plan for establishing unshakeable long-term trust with your community.

Offer Blueprint
How To Create, Template & Automate Sales
Whether you’re planning your first launch or expanding your current offerings, my 7-Step Offer Creation Blueprint will help you ideate, create and launch your next product from start to finish. In Level 3, you’ll learn the 4 “funnel perspectives” that are essential to positioning your offer, plus the key conversion triggers and persuasion principles that will make it absolutely irresistible to your dream customer. Then I’ll share how we initiate, template and automate revenue with my 3-Phase Promotion Plan and give you the exact checklists and frameworks we use to streamline our marketing efforts.

Roadmap Design
The 6-Step Pathway To More Profit
Designing your business roadmap is just as much about your customers’ growth as it is about yours. When you help your customers solve bigger challenges, inspire them to say yes to new opportunities and intentionally guide them every step of the way, they’ll stay in your orbit for years. At the Copy Posse, 80% of our revenue comes from existing customers, which means lower costs and greater impact. In Level 4, you’ll discover how we strategically design future product pathways to elevate customer lifetime value, create transformational brand experiences and massively increase profits.

Marketing Playbook
The 3 C’s of Persuasive Messaging
The secret to automatic sales is to strategically reverse-engineer commitment in your marketing. In Level 5, you’ll discover my core marketing philosophy and the foundational concepts you MUST identify before selling anything. With my 3-Step Marketing Playbook, I’ll show you how to prime your audience to buy, design a compelling campaign, and craft captivating messaging for any medium. With 16 powerful hooks to grab and keep attention, 23 psychological triggers to become instantly more persuasive and my 5-step framework to overcome any objection, you’ll leave this session with everything you need to take the world by STORM.

8 Step-by-Step Video Trainings with Alex Cattoni
21 Step-By-Step Marketing Blueprints & Formulas
14 Fully Customizable Templates & Marketing Checklists

Every Single Tool I Used To Build A Multiple 7-Figure Brand In 3 Years – Is Now YOURS

3 Posse-Proven Tools For Communicating With Empathy

Storytelling is the most powerful strategy in marketing — and has been for thousands of years. Stories help your customers retain information, bypass skepticism, and genuinely feel seen and understood. Discover 8 Story Formulas that you can use in all your campaigns to create connection and inspire action. Use the Story Inventory Template to easily create and track hundreds of content ideas in a flash and use our Brand Values Inspo File to become a more persuasive storyteller, communicate with empathy and share messages that deeply resonate with your audience.

7 Posse-Proven Tools For Building Awareness & Authority

The secret to building brand awareness is to be as visible as possible – in as many places as possible. At the Copy Posse, we have our content creation so dialed in that we publish 2,704 touchpoints every single year (without losing steam or sanity) – and I’ll show you exactly how we do it. Our 52x Content Checklist will walk you through our entire omni-channel marketing process. Discover how we plan and produce weekly video content with our YouTube Tracker, Checklist, and Studio Setup Guide, how we streamline social content with our Short-Form Video Tracker and Checklist and the A.I. shortcuts we use to streamline content production. This is everything you need to start creating awareness and authority fast.

4 Posse-Proven Tools For Creating Desire & Trust

You’ve heard me say it before – email is the single most profitable marketing medium, but the old school “buy, die or unsubscribe” mentality is costing you major money. Today, more customers are taking longer to buy, with 56% of Copy Posse customers buying after 60 days. So how can you personalize your email marketing efforts for long-term profit? Discover how to build desire with the 4 Desire Frameworks, grow your list on autopilot with our Landing Page Formula, and create instant trust with our A.I.M. Welcome Formula. You’ll also get my Webinar Formula, a step-by-step framework for scripting an engaging online training that turns strangers into serious fans.

6 Posse-Proven Tools For Igniting Sales

We’ve distilled the dreaded “launch mode” into a streamlined process to help you take your product from “dream” to “done” as quickly as possible. With the Launch Blueprint, you’ll discover 4 frameworks we use to attract new customers and ignite sales. The Launch Checklist will make sure you don’t skip a single step, and the Launch Asset Index will help you keep track of all your marketing assets, making it easier to manage and execute your campaigns. The Launch Swipe File will give you a proven launch to replicate in your own business and for the (inevitable) moments when things don’t go to plan, the Launch Audit Checklist will help you document key lessons, mishaps and takeaways and optimize your next launch. You’ll also get our Testimonial Blueprint so you can collect powerful social proof from your customers to boost future conversions.

6 Posse-Proven Tools For Increasing Sales

The best thing about launching a new offer? You now have a product on the shelf that you can promote on repeat – multiple times a year – to massively boost sales. Get our Promotion Blueprint to discover the 4 promotion templates we use regularly at the Copy Posse to monetize our email list. With the Promotion Swipe File, you’ll see our most profitable annual promotion in action. The Promotion Calendar Template will help you plan and schedule your next offer and the Promotion Checklist will guide you through every single to-do and task to help you stay organized with minimal effort.

6 Posse-Proven Tools For Automating Sales

Every entrepreneur’s dream? Turning your business into an evergreen machine and making money while you sleep. With our Evergreen Blueprint, you’ll get 4 high-converting automated campaigns that you can implement in your business immediately, along with a Posse Swipe File for each: a Welcome Offer to entice new leads to make their first purchase, an Exclusive Offer to inspire fast action, an Ascension Offer to reward progress, and a Cart Offer to increase conversions after-the-fact. You’ll also get our Evergreen Checklist to make the whole evergreening process a breeze, including tool recommendations and messaging tips.

5 Posse-Proven Tools For Crafting Compelling Campaigns

Become infinitely more persuasive with the Copy Posse’s ultimate copywriting toolkit, including my million-dollar Sales Page Formula, a step-by-step framework I follow for every single sales page I write. Discover 23 Psychological Triggers for boosting believability, curiosity and commitment and 16 HOT Hook Ideas for writing insanely powerful headlines. Once you’ve got your messaging dialed in, it’s time to make your marketing master plan. Use our Campaign Overview Template to set goals, track metrics and outline your next campaign, then use our Campaign Playbook to put your plan into action across all audience segments and mediums. This is everything you need to create marketing that makes an impact.

PLUS Stay Ahead of Marketing Shifts With Training From 5 Industry-Leading Experts ( – Yours FREE With STORM)

Insider Masterclass with Jeff Walker, New York Times Bestselling Author & Creator of the Product Launch Formula
An online marketing icon, Jeff’s iconic Product Launch Formula has helped his clients make BILLIONS of dollars in hundreds of niches and markets, transforming the online marketing world from the day it was released in 2005. Now all these years later, the strategy is still the gold standard in the online entrepreneurial training market. In this masterclass, Jeff shares what’s working well right now in terms of launches, positioning and copy – and how he uses the PLF as an evergreen machine to convert new leads into customers via email.

Insider Masterclass with Deb Gabor, Author of Branding is Sex and Irrational Loyalty
In this masterclass, one of the world’s leading branding experts, Deb Gabor, will teach you how to solve ANY major business or marketing challenge with branding. She’ll take you behind the scenes of her Brand Values Pyramid framework with real-life examples from her A-list clients, which include brand names like Allrecipes, The Associated Press, Dell, Microsoft, NBC Universal, NPR, and Siemens. Deb will also share her controversial views around branding and reveal powerful and practical strategies YOU can use to become a brand leader, attract irrationally loyal fans and forever shift the playing field in your industry to come out on top.

Insider Masterclass with Justin Goff, Copywriting Expert & Founder of the Copy Accelerator Program
In this bonus training, copywriting expert and mentor, Justin Goff, shares his top 4 strategies for crafting click-worthy emails and the secret to converting more readers into customers – even to a cold audience. Before becoming a copywriter and copywriting coach, Justin previously grew his own supplement company from 0->$23 million in sales in just under 3 years by focusing on cold traffic growth and conversions. After selling the company in 2017, he moved on to help some of the biggest names with their marketing — such as Golden Hippo, Dan Lok, Agora Financial, V-Shred, 4Patriots, Mike Geary, Danette May, Six Pack Shortcuts, Natural Health Sherpa, and more.

Insider Masterclass with Natasha Willis, Co-Founder of School of Bots
Instagram is so much more than a social media platform, it’s a way to nurture clients and create more cash on auto-pilot. In this bonus training, Natasha Willis, co-founder of School of Bots, will show you how to set up simple (and effective) Instagram DM funnels that will increase your lead flow instantly without having to spend extra time creating content or answering DMs. Over the last few years, Natasha has helped over 10,000 marketing professionals automate sales in their businesses and has generated more than $30 million in sales for her mega-brand clients like Foundr, ClickFunnels and Mindvalley using the exact strategies you’re about to learn.

Insider Masterclass with Molly Pittman, Digital Marketing Strategist & CEO of Smart Marketer
The advertising algorithm is constantly changing, so how do you stay on top of it all and create powerful ads that actually work without wasting a lot of money in the endless loop of trial-and-error? In this masterclass, leading Facebook marketing strategist, Molly Pittman, reveals her powerful framework for generating qualified leads, proven campaign and copywriting structures that actually work today, and tactical best practices for growing your business with Facebook. Over the last 10 years, Molly has trained more than 10,000 people across the globe on how to win with Facebook ads, and she’s sharing her best strategies with you in this training.


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