
Matt Bockenstette – Complete Copy Legends Swipe File Vault+Upsells

Original price was: $997.00.Current price is: $45.00.

Gary Halbert’s copy was irresistible to the “common man.”
Everything from social security tips to weight loss and make-money opportunities. There’s a reason he charged $25,000 to write a sales letter (and this was back in the 1980s.)
His copy was that damn good. As he explained, one of his best offers even pulled in more than 20,000 cash orders per day!
That’s why Gary is a must-read when it comes to these original Copy Legends…
And inside this collection, you’ll get access to some of Gary’s best-performing ads and sales letters such as his…

Famous “Key West” ad that sold the recordings of his $5,000 copywriting seminar…
Brilliant “Desperate Nerd From Ohio” ad that sold tens of thousands copies of his print newsletter…
Controversial “Illegal Sexual Stimulant” ad he wrote for movie star Tova Borgine that helped create a flood of sales for her perfume…
Wild “90-Second Facelift” ad that changed skincare advertising forever…
Control-busting “Diet Secret Of A Desperate Housewife” ad that ran for years in major newspapers across the country…
Seductive “Blackjack Secrets” ad that convinced thousands of regular people that they could beat the casino…
Hidden “Elvis Tapes” ad that sold 10,000 copies of a concert for $19.95 each…
Original “Social Security Secrets” ad that capitalized on people wanting to get free benefits from the government…
First “Dollar Bill Letter” that started a frenzy of dollar bills being attached to sales letters that still works today!
PLUS: 47 more ads and sales letters written by Gary in niches like diets, making money, newsletter subscriptions, precious metals, investing, modeling and more…
PLUS: An organized collection of Gary’s “Legendary Leads” from this collection…
PLUS: An organized collection of Gary’s hundreds of “Legendary Bullets” from this collection…
PLUS: A complete collection of Gary’s famous “Boron Letters” – 25 lessons he sent his son from Boron Federal Penitentiary teaching him everything he knew about creating success through copywriting, offer creation, & direct-response marketing…

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