Download Now The Period Time Publishing Program by Dan Pye. Download This Course For Cheap Price…
Hacks to remain efficient under pressure
A complete and actionable mental game changer!
KDP Account set up and Optimization
A solid foundation from which to build your business on!
Secrets of production of content for internal use
Content from books in unlimited quantity, an editor course all in one
Uploading and proofing to KDP like a pro
Keywords are easy to use Categories removed!
KDP Complete publishing procedure
Be on the lookout for me as the whole thing gets a lot more interesting!
BONUS: Focused International Strategy
Get rid of the competition and dive deep!
BONUS: Authoritative eBook Strategy
One-click conversionsthat increase your profit!
Course Curriculum
Part 1: Hacks to stay productive when under pressure
Module Overview
Lesson 1: Mastering and understanding your brain
Lesson 2: Building a Strong Mindset to Play the Long Game
Lesson 3: Operating on an Effectiveness Scale
Lesson 4: Social Media is Your Enemy
Lesson 5: Using the Pomodoro Technique to Get it Done
Lesson 6: The Power of a Good Night’s Sleep
Lesson 7: Understanding Business Specifics and Why KDP
Lesson 8: Setting Expectations for Prolonged Success
Let’s Go Full Course Overview
Module 2: KDP Account Set Up and Success Optimisation
Module Overview
Lesson 1: Creating a KDP Account Fast
Lesson 2: Setting up Your Tax the Right Way.
Lesson 3: Linking Your Bank Account So You Get Paid
Lesson 4: KDP Dashboard Overview & Support
Module 3: Internal Content Production Secrets
Module Overview
Lesson 1 Building the foundations for your business
Lesson 2: Downloading & editing Your Book Fast Like A Pro
Lesson 3 The importance of optimizing your browser to support publishing tools, data analysis
Lesson 4: Quality vs Quantity the Importance
Module 4: Uploading & Proofing to KDP Like a Pro
Leçon 1: Meta Data research and KDP rules
Leçon 2: Publishing Backend configurations, covers and pricing
Lesson 3: Sorting your books in the correct categories
Lesson 4: Setting Progress Expectations
5. thirteen Amazon Markets Plus targeting specific markets
BONUS Lesson 6: Tackling the Kindle Market
BACK TO BACK Lesson 7. Metadata using Publisher Rocket
Support and Updates
IMPORTANT: KDP Permanent Cashflow Program Support
Not Logged In Issue – Resolved
Partnership Referral Program
Amazon Licensing Requests
Fixed – [376] [iv] Manuscript Formatting Issue
How can I get rid of all images quickly
How do I put all chapter headings on an entirely new page
Handling multi-lined headings
The formatting of headings in your manuscript
Make sure that the text of the manuscript is vertically displayed down the page
What should you do once the top 100 bestsellers are published?
Dan p
Sales Page Link
Official Price: $997
Our Price: $40
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