Master Sri Avinash Do – Becoming A Great Healer Masterclass


Heal Like a Master

If you have ever thought of becoming a healer or if you are already a healer, this Masterclass is the essential training to learn how to heal the world, your loved ones or yourself.
In this healer training, Master Healer Sri Avinash will introduce you to his unique and life-changing healing method. He takes you through a journey to becoming a great healer with the essential healing tools and understanding needed to become an energy healer or a spiritual healer.
What makes this Masterclass unique is that it takes you beyond the theories and techniques of healing. Using his inner power and divine gift, Sri Avinash will directly transmit to you the source of all healing power to awaken the innate ancient healer in you.
Master Sri Avinash offers 2 and 5-day Masterclasses in different cities and online. No matter which Becoming A Great Healer Masterclass you attend, you will walk out with the knowledge of how to heal and the inspiration to advance forward towards your dream of being a great healer.

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Regular Price = 997$

Sale Price = 60$

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