
Beachbody – Rev Abs Workouts

Original price was: $999.00.Current price is: $30.05.

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Beachbody – Rev Abs Workouts

Beachbody – RevAbs – Your 90-Day Ab Solution DVD Workout Program | 5.15 GB

Go way beyond crunches to work your abs in ways you never dreamed possible. This RevABS workout will shred your core like nothing else. Get ready for the most advanced ab exercises you’ve ever done.

Beachbody – RevAbs – Your 90-Day Ab Solution DVD Workout Program | 5.15 GB Go way beyond crunches to work your abs in ways you never dreamed possible.

RevABS takes your core strength to new levels with intense,

fat-melting workouts that target the entire abdominal region — from your upper abs to your lower obliques.

How this course will help you

There’s no better program on the planet for getting washboard abs.

Get ready for the most advanced ab exercises you’ve ever done. Beachbody’s Rev Abs Workouts are a breakthrough in training —

based on the latest advances in brain science and muscle physiognomy,

they work your core like nothing else. Go beyond crunches to work your anterior, posterior and oblique abs — plus your transverse abdominis.

This DVD will shred your core like nothing else.

RevAbs is the world’s most effective ab workout system.

It combines the latest breakthroughs in abdominal science with the best core-strengthening exercises ever developed.

Get ready for the most advanced ab exercises you’ve ever done.

And go way beyond crunches to work your abs in ways you never dreamed possible.

This RevAbs workout will shred your core like nothing else.

The RevAbs system uses a specially designed piece of equipment called the Ab Wheel.

This simple contraption finally does what exercise

DVDs have been promising for years: get you ripped abs without having to do hundreds of crunches each day.

Achieving a rock-hard core isn’t just about doing more crunches.

The key is to find the right combination of targeted ab exercises that work together so your body can burn fat and sculpt your abs quickly.

Imagine if you could lose inches off your waistline, get stronger abs, and carve out an amazing midsection in only 90 Days?

You can have all that and more with RevAbs.

Your abs have never had it so good. RevAbs will deliver a powerful core workout unlike any ab routine you’ve ever experienced before.

That’s because this DVD workout program uses cutting-edge technology to target every single

one of your abdominal muscles, including your obliques and love handles.

RevAbs gives you the ultimate variety of the most effective abdominal exercises.

By using RevAb wheel and handgrip, you can target all areas of your core—upper abs, lower abs, obliques and more.

Plus, each exercise is arranged by difficulty level (1-5) to help you progress to the next challenge

when you’re ready. So watch as your six pack emerges before your eyes without doing a single crunch!

Great abs are just a couple of minutes away.

RevAbs is a breakthrough ab workout that uses unique exercises and extreme stretching to blast fat and carve out rock-hard abs.

This DVD includes over 90 exercises for an effective ab workout that lasts only 10 minutes, so you can get ripped at home or on the go!

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