Jason Fladlien, Russel Brunson – Webinar Blueprint
Jason Fladlien, Russel Brunson – Webinar Blueprint | 3 GB
A successful webinar has two distinct parts. The webinar itself, and the funnel the webinar lives in.
A good webinar with a great funnel can do well.
A great webinar with a good funnel can do well.
Yet a great funnel with a great webinar isn’t just a small, incremental improvement.
With the right webinar and the right funnel, there probably isn’t anything you can’t accomplish in your business and in your life. True.
Jason has obsessed with becoming the best at the actual webinar itself. and I’m going to pull out every secret of his that I can. He has promised me that he’ll answer completely and fully any question I ask him for up to two hours straight.
I don’t think he realizes what he has gotten himself into!
Then, we flip it. Jason grills me on everything related to webinar funnels. Nothing is off-topic or out of bounds. I’m sworn to the same promise he made to me.
To reveal as much as a possible about profit producing webinars for up to two hours straight.
Here Is Just A Taste Of The Secrets Revealed On The Webinar Blueprint Training:
How Jason was able to sell $9.7 million dollars worth of product in 8 days as an affiliate. HINT: he was the only one to use webinars in this particular way.
What Russell has discovered analyzing over one hundred thousand funnels (others will have to spend years of trial-and-error to reap these benefits, while you’ll instantly get them handed over to you!)
How Jason’s biggest and most embarrassing mistake turned into his best webinar closing rate ever. And how you can ethically replicate it to make insane amounts of money.
The shift Russell made in his funnel when promoting ClickFunnels that catapulted his growth and success virtually overnight. (It doesn’t make sense on the surface, which is why nobody does it. but it works sooooo much better!)
Why you should NEVER handle objections in your webinar. and what you should do instead. It seems counter-intuitive, but it will make complete sense the second I say it.
How to double the sales of a webinar by promoting the same exact webinar to the same exact people twice. This means you can create less webinars, and make more money.
The #1 reason most people’s webinar fail (and what you can do to make sure your webinar is a massive success)