Exchanging pieces is something that will occur in the vast majority of chess games. Additionally, there can be not one but several exchanges in a game, that can impact a position decisively.Exchanging pieces is something that will occur in the vast majority of chess games. Additionally, there can be not one but several exchanges in a game, that can impact a position decisively. You should practice it over and over again till you have mastered this very important topic!
Exchanging pieces is something that will occur in the vast majority of chess games. In this video, Coach Jovan Petronic will teach you all about piece exchanges. Additionally, there can be not one but several exchanges in a game and they can impact a position decisively. Most people say that an exchange of queens favors white, while an exchange of rooks favors black, while other people think the opposite. Anyway, we are going to find out the truth, and why one side gains advantage more than the other after an exchange of queens or an exchange of rooks and what the reasons for that are. How do you play when you have an extra piece? How do you play when you are missing one?
Exchanging pieces in chess is a very common occurrence in a game of chess. If a player builds up a big advantage in material, the game can be pretty much decided. If one side achieves the exchange of queens and is a pawn up, the chances of winning are very big. This can also be true if you manage to exchange rooks and you have an important passed pawn on the board – which usually is a force to reckon with.
This course will teach you the different exchange concepts and how to use them in your own games. In addition, it will also show how you can apply these ideas as well as other tactics to improve your own chess playing.