
Jumpstart Traffic Academy 2.0

Original price was: $289.99.Current price is: $49.74.

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Jumpstart Traffic Academy 2.0 Download Now

And, it’s definitely NOT for everyone. Here’s what I mean.
Jumpstart Traffic Academy is an online training program featuring a full-blown Facebook advertising course.
That’s right.
You get a complete A to Z Facebook advertising course that shows you everything from having the right ‘traffic mindset,’ to…
Researching your audience…
Writing your ads…
Navigating the platform…
Setting up the tech…
Installing your tracking…
Knowing your numbers…
Launching your campaigns…
Optimising your account each day…
Keeping your account safe…
To scaling your campaigns from $0 to $30,000/mo profitably/
We’ve spent millions on Facebook advertising…
($316,875.37 Ad Spend in the Last 30 Days)
And everything we know about developing, launching and scaling profitable Facebook campaigns. is all in there.
In fact, here’s just a fraction of what you’re going to discover in this program.
– How $250,000/mo in Ad Spend Revealed to Me this Little Known ‘Traffic Secret’ that Instantly Turns a Low-Converting Funnel into a High-Converting One.
– How Your Family, Friends & Colleagues Hold the Secret to Writing Profitable Ads. WITHOUT Needing Copywriting Skills…
– A Famous Theory that Shows You How to Pump Out Profit Producing Ads Your Prospects Can’t Resist Buying From (Even if They Don’t Want to).
– How to Turn Almost Any Cynic, Sceptic, or Doubter into a ‘Blind Believer’ Ready to Buy. Before They Enter Your Funnel.
– The Technique Fictional Authors Use that Makes What You Say Believable Without Needing Proof, Testimonials or Credibility.
– How to Get Prospects to Devour Your Entire Ad Almost Against their Will.
– The Kids School Game that Reveals Why This Type of Benefit is Killing Your Ads. & Most Every Coach is Using It.
– How to Make Millions of Prospects Feel Like Your Ad Was Written Just for Them…
– When Modelling Profitable Ads Makes Your Ads Unprofitable…
– How this One Line Can Get Your Ad Read by 5x More Prospects.
– What the 2016 Academy Awards Teaches You About Writing Persuasive Ads that Move People to Buy…
– Do You Want to ‘Walk Down the Street’ Or ‘Stroll Down the Street’? The Wrong Answer Could Cost You 1000’s in Ad Profits.
– How the Length of a Woman’s Skirt Reveals the Perfect Length of Every Ad You Write.
– How to “Hack” the Newsfeed Layout to Double Your Clicks (& Have Facebook Reward You For it with Lower Ad Costs and Higher Quality Traffic).
– 11 Editing Tools that’ll Chisel Away Your Copy into a Sculpted Masterpiece…
– The 7 Questions that’ll Almost Always Reveal if Your Ad is a Winner or Not BEFORE You Spend a Dime.
– Plus. a whole lot more!

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