
Todd Valentine – The System

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Todd Valentine – The System Download Now

And I’m EXPECTING the “shit tests” she’s used to throwing at guys to get them flustered. Girls don’t make it easy for you. Especially the hottest girls. Ie. The girls that get approached multiple times on a daily basis. They HAVE to make it hard. Which is exactly what she does to me. A huge advantage if you know what you’re doing.. Because what I’m saying and doing isn’t fighting her psychology in any way. Quite the opposite. I’m ANTICIPATING those first couple seconds of hesitation, what most guys think of as rejection. And I’m EXPECTING the “shit tests” she’s used to throwing at guys to get them flustered. With a touch of playful arrogance, I pass every single one. .and make her completely INTRIGUED. A FEELING THAT EVERY GIRL WANTS TO EXPERIENCE. .AND THAT MOST RARELY DO. Least of all from a guy that she just met 60 seconds ago. You might have heard that you shouldn’t interrupt people while they’re going about their business. Something I was taught when I was 4 years old. Fact of the matter is, it’s EXACTLY that act of confidence and social calibration that makes girls stop whatever they’re doing. .and go out of their way to get to know ME. I’m about to share a secret with you. My secret to making game FUN, EASY and EFFORTLESS. .and my secret to unlocking the deepest parts of her psychology. It’s a secret that most men will never learn: In fact, all women do. All women want that guy that they can’t quite have. That guy that’s out of THEIR league. That guy that THEY MUST HAVE. And it’s exactly that principle that lies at the heart of what I’m about to teach you. With every word, every action, every silence. .I’m letting her know that I’M the prize. This is super-critical. AND BY THE WAY. This is where most guys completely screw up. Even though they might on occasion get a minute or two of attraction, most guys simply have no clue what to do next. Usually they “show their intent” so blatantly and aggressively (and badly) that it turns her off within seconds. Or they lose her interest with boring platonic conversation. Or they fail to lead and escalate. OR THEY GET CREEPY. And this is what separates the guys that get it from those that don’t. Advanced guys are absolute masters at keeping her constantly intrigued. Constantly CHASING. NEVER LETTING HER LOSE INTEREST. And turning the experience of meeting him into an ADVENTURE. All done in a subtle, intelligent, low-key way that doesn’t trigger any of her defenses. I OWE MY ENTIRE DATING LIFE TO THE SYSTEM THAT I’VE SPENT TWO DECADES PERFECTING. But it didn’t come overnight. I still remember how hard it was all those years ago. ✓ The anxiety ✓ The confusion ✓ Countless rejections ✓ Just plain BAD GAME Looking back on it now, I spent months and years wasting my time with theories and styles that simply didn’t work. While I believe that anyone can get better with girls, I see too many guys spend years getting the same crappy results. Guys that go out and do the same stuff night after night. .getting the same results again and again.If this sounds like you, it’s time you got angry. Angry enough to commit to the solution: Getting a REAL SKILLSET. Fact is most systems totally suck. See a girl at Starbucks and don’t approach? That’s a pretty sucky system. Approaching fifty girls a night, but go home alone every time? That’s also a pretty sucky system. Going on dates but can’t seem to date the girls you truly want? Maybe it’s time to change some things. IT’S REALLY AS SIMPLE AS THAT! If you’re not getting the girls you want, CHANGE WHAT YOU’RE DOING! CHANGE YOUR SYSTEM! I know, crazy concept.But one that too many guys don’t want to believe. I’m not sure why guys like to stick with failed habits, but the reality is that pretty much any guy can get massively better if they just FIX THEIR SYSTEM. And a major part of that is focusing on building REAL SKILLS. Skills that you can actually go out and do that very same day. Action-based skills that build on one another with every approach. WHILE MY FIRST FEW YEARS IN GAME DIDN’T COME EASY. .enduring massive rejections, trial and error learning, and a ton of confusion. I eventually started having major breakthroughs that led to the skillset and system that I’m about to share with you. A system comprised of skills, mindsets and strategies that have worked wonders for me.Skills such as. ✓ Flawless Opening ✓ Consistently hooking her interest so she stops and pays attention ✓ Sparking attraction with every word ✓ Flirting and sexualizing the interaction ✓ Leading the interaction forward and being the guy who knows what he’s doing ✓ Escalating physically, emotionally and logistically ✓ Getting her to chase YOU ✓ Taking her home And yes, these are just THE FUNDAMENTALS! WITH EVERY SKILL THAT I ADDED TO MY ARSENAL. .I STARTED SEEING MY RESULTS MULTIPLY. Skills that eventually added up to a complete system for meeting and dating the women I couldn’t even approach years ago. The ULTIMATE SYSTEM. And one that as a coach for the last 17 years, I’ve been fortunate enough to share with thousands of my students.Guys that are no different than you. AND BY THE WAY. YOU DON’T NEED TO SPEND TWO DECADES TO GET TO MY LEVEL That’s because I’m about to give you something I wish I had when I was starting. .my fully field-tested system for success with women and dating. There’s only one thing left for you to do: GET STARTED!


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