
Andre Chaperon – Lean Business For Creators

Original price was: $249.99.Current price is: $34.68.

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Andre Chaperon – Lean Business For Creators Download Now

A Single System that Will allow you to Create Or Grow Your Business By Serving A Particular Niche And Audience.

Lean Business For Creators is clear, concise and quick.
It will cover the systems and process needed to get you up and running fast!
It covers email marketing to the point. How to get leads and communicate with prospects. Best practices on “making a connection”.
It’s not going to be as intensive as Andre’s Autoresponser Madness (how to write Soap Opera Sequences etc.) But it does cover much more than “the essentials”.
LBFC is going to cover paid and free (SEO) traffic to your web property/s. Getting web traffic is extremely complicated and complex.
But LBFC is going to show your the ropes and cover Paid Traffic as well as organic (free).
It’s not a super-in-depth traffic course as covered in the Sphere Of Influence.
However, it’ll teach your the ropes to get your web property in front of the prospects YOU want.
Lean Business For Creators is even going to show you the ropes on how to write presells’.
It will give you the low down on how to get them started and up and running as quick as possible.
If you really want to dig deep into how to write amazing copy and presell’s then you should check out Andre and Michael Hauge’s Storytelling For Marketers.
Yeah, I’ve reviewed them all at some point or another – and yes, they’re ALL worth the price tag.
It’s about giving you ALL the parts of the system and processes. But bear in mind that you can ALWAYS dig deeper into each process as shown above.

– LBC (Lean Enterprise for Creators) is for individuals who imagine that obsessing over serving and mattering to a small viewers who care, is extra vital than chasing the following “shiny object” alternative…
– That being small (tiny even), is extra vital than chasing scale and income targets…
– LBC is for individuals who need to create deep and significant work they’re pleased with, for individuals who worth that work sufficient to pay for it (and find it irresistible sufficient to inform others about).
– I promise that participating with the coaching and doing the exhausting work (it’s not straightforward work), will provide help to entice the individuals you search to serve. And ultimately, with the dedication of displaying up to do that vital work, you’ll earn an earnings from these prospects who’re probably the most dedicated.


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