Awaken the Species with Neale Donald Walsh — Mindvalley — Free download
Use Neale Donald Walsch’s Unique Process to Uncover Your Divinity in 16 Key Areas of Life So You Can Become a Highly Evolved Being
What You’ll Learn
- Embody Love and Compassion:
radiate love and unending compassion so that you show the world the heart-centered person you are
- Deepen Your Spiritual Journey:
connect and align with the unique purpose life has for you
- Eradicate Negative Mindsets:
eliminate scarcity, negativity, and anything else holding you back so you experience abundance in every area of your life
- Connect with Yourself More Intimately:
develop a far deeper understanding of who you are and what you are called to do
- Leave Your Mark on the World:
become a source of change, impact, and character for your loved ones, family, and community