Jon Schumacher – The Webinar Launchpad 2.0

Here’s What You’re Getting:
1. The Webinar Launchpad Group Coaching Program

We’ll meet in a small group on Zoom for 6 weeks where you’ll have plenty of time to get feedback on your webinar directly from me and the group. If you can’t make a session or any of the live sessions for that matter, a recording will be provided each and every time.
2. Lifetime Access to the AI Builder

Lifetime access to my AI Webinar Builder and my proprietary prompts at no additional cost. You’ll have a blast using AI to optimize your offer and create your webinar headlines, content, and close. This is a brand new AI-Powered Application that I’ve spent many hours and thousands of dollars building for you. You’re going to love it!
3. Done-For-Your Side Decks

Would you like to have your slides 75% done and already pre-made for you? Where all you have to do is copy and paste the content from your AI script to the slide deck and make a few tweaks. When you join The Webinar Launchpad, I want to make it easy for you. I want to save you many hours by giving you the same, proven slide decks my private clients use. Yours at no additional cost.
4. Ultimate Webinar Funnel Scripts

Want to just copy the emails I send and the pages I build? Now you can. When you join us for The Webinar Launchpad, I’m going to gift, for FREE, all of my email and page copy templates. These include the emails I use to promote my webinars, remind people to attend, and follow up to increase sales. This also includes templates for the pages I use. You could easily pay a copywriter $5,000 to write all of this for you but I’m giving you my templates at no cost when you enroll today.
5. Trust, Clarity, & Certainty Sales Call Script

Do you ever lack confidence during your sales calls? Not sure what to say to enroll a client without being pushy, salesy, or weird? I want to give you my TCC (Trust, Clarity, and Certainty) Call script that you can simply tweak for your business and confidently use during each of your future sales conversations. I’ve used it to sell 5k to 50k offers to brand-new leads over the past 5 years. I’ve even paid $5,000 to a sales professional to review it and help me optimize it. It’s yours at no cost when you join The Launchpad.
6. “Fill Your Webinars with Partners” Training Kit

Who wants free traffic for their webinar? I have generated more than 20,000 leads (subscribers on my list) by collaborating with other people who already have my ideal buyers on their lists. This is my #1 traffic engine. I want to show you a simple system for connecting and partnering with others who can fill up your webinars with warm leads. You’ll receive a couple of short trainings, as well as, some templates to help you implement this into your business. You’ll also get a FREE 90-Day trial to the JV Directory where you can find partners to promote your webinar.

Available for instant delivery! We are always live on the chat. Hit the chatbot now.

Regular Price = 997$

Sale Price = 50$

 Contact us: [email protected]

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