Mark Podolsky – The Investor’s Toolkit


System #1 Deal Flow
Build a High-Volume Pipeline That Puts Stacks of

“Pennies-on-the-Dollar” Land Deals on Your Desk Every Week
This is where you’ll learn to build out a system that nets you “More Deals Than You

Can Handle”…because making sure land deals constantly flow to you is the “lifeblood”

of your business.
Here are just a few of the secrets you’ll find out about “Deal Flow”:

The #1 best source of land you can buy for pennies on the dollar
Where to find smoking hot lists of properties loaded with motivated sellers
The hidden power behind the simple little postage stamp
How to zero in on the best offer price in minutes (instead of hiring an expensive appraiser)
The top 2 questions you’ll get from land sellers, and how to answer like a pro from day one
The worst time-wasting negotiation method, and how to avoid it and save
yourself hours of time (and maximize your efficiency and profits)

System #2 – Due Diligence
Cover Your “Behind” with Armor Plating Using Simple,

Yet Highly Effective Due-Diligence Techniques
This is where you’ll learn how to do your due diligence and protect yourself,

and how you sift through rubble to pull out the “gold nugget” land deals.
Here are just a few of the tactics you’ll uncover about due diligence:

Using your home computer to gather massive amounts of “intelligence” on land parcels, and who to call if you’re stumped
Closing on properties legally and safely – without ever meeting the other party in person
Getting customized marketing pictures and even video tours of properties – without ever setting foot on them
Timing property taxes to keep cash in your hands for as long as possible
Slashing your due diligence time and effort in half using my “batching” technique
Following the “Golden Super-Rule” of due diligence to save your tail when you can’t figure out the value of a property

System #3 – Expert Marketing
Build a Responsive List of Loyal Customers Who Want to Buy Your

Land So Fast You Won’t Even Have to Do Any “Selling”
This is where you’ll discover how to get “More Buyers Than You Can Handle” — instead

of relying on real estate agents or online listings to sell your properties.
Here are a few of the tricks you’ll find behind the curtain:

The 3 most destructive (and tempting) distractions that will drive your land investing business straight into the dirt, and what you need to focus on instead to fill your pockets with cash fast
How to hook eager buyers using a simple and inexpensive 1-page website
The 7 best places to sell your land — before you have a pool of customers who like, know, and trust you
3 techniques to build a reputation as a recognized land expert and how this will draw hoards of customers to you
How to sell properties twice as fast by making it virtually effortless for your customers to pay you
Why offering and standing behind a simple guarantee adds massive power to your business and keeps you out of court

System #4 – Progressive Delegation
Find Diamond-in-the-Rough Virtual Assistants You Can Trust to Handle the

Repetitive “Grunt Work” So You Can Slash Your Time Inputs to a Minimum
This is where you’ll find the biggest secret to exponential growth is spending your

time working ON your business, not IN your business.
Here are a few key tools to find and manage inexpensive Virtual Assistants (VA’s):

The 5 best places to find skilled Virtual Assistants who will fight each other to do your repetitive land business tasks for you
How to create job postings that attract international talent for a fraction of the cost of hiring someone in the U.S.
How to avoid the biggest mistakes most people make when giving VA’s tasks to complete
5 secrets to ensuring your VA’s are churning out high-standard work with excellent efficiency
The surprising technique that weeds out weaklings and helps you find the rock stars
One basic rule that will save you hundreds, if not thousands of dollars, and protect you from blood-boiling frustration


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Regular Price = 997$

Sale Price = 45$

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