
Adrian Brambila – Search Engine Conquest

Original price was: $999.00.Current price is: $32.94.

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Adrian Brambila – Search Engine Conquest

Adrian Brambila – Search Engine Conquest | 2.95 GB
Ready to Master Consumer Behavior?
Search Engine Conquest will teach how to confidently spend money on Google Ads to generate profitable sales, discover consumer trends & scale your level of revenue.

This course will also tackle Types of web traffic – Direct and organic traffic; Another type of web traffic – paid , referral and social media traffic; Free tools for web traffic; Best tools to increase web traffic; What is backlink; Example of backlinks on digital regenesys and other; Introduction to social media; Social media platforms that could use in doing business; Commercial aspects on social media and its good aspects of business marketing; Features of social media.

Next, you will learn Facebook Features and Contents;

Track/optimize and scale activity; Creating facebook page, its features, and other factors of Facebook; Showing some examples of ads and creating page of Digital Regenesys; How people discover your page and how to manage your audience; Editing page info and adding social media account on Facebook page; Learn to create cover page using Canva; Creating logo on Canva and uploading it to the page; Creating cover photo and uploading it to the Facebook page; Adding more items and elements on cover photo and add social media site on page; Creating public post on Facebook page;

Creating photo on Canva and Freepik for Facebook post; Adding emoji and customizing the post on Facebook; Creating event on Facebook; Insights on the boosting for Facebook post and customizing it; Other page on Facebook, insights on it and other factors on Facebook page; Digital Marketing in Ads – Campaign, Budget, Impression, Click; Another marketing in Ads – CTR, Bid Strategy and connecting it to other factors; Understanding the concept of marketing ads and other strategies; Introduction to Facebook Ads Manager; Creating a Facebook Campaign and customizing it; Continuation on creating Facebook Campaign and Targeting People on Campaign;

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