
Ascension Mystery School – Divine Cosmos & David Wilcock

Original price was: $333.00.Current price is: $55.06.

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Ascension Mystery School – Divine Cosmos & David Wilcock

Ascension Mystery Welcome to the official launch of my new Ascension Mystery School: A Special 5-Week Online Program to Prepare for Light Body Activation & Make a Quantum Leap in Consciousness.

Decades of research, investigation, whistle-blowing, and risking my life has led me to one undeniable conclusion:
Earth is on the verge of a massive cosmic event that will transform matter, energy, consciousness, and biological life as we now know it…And this is a good thing.
We are at an important juncture in the cycles of time. 
The Ascension Mystery School is a curriculum in the esoteric, designed to expose what conventional wisdom tries to hide. In this online program you’ll discover:

What ancient spiritual texts reveal to us about light-body activation and ascension
New revelations in quantum physics and modern science that expand awareness
Step-step instructions on how to prepare for a rapid acceleration in consciousness
Practical insights and techniques to tune your body, mind, and soul for activation
How extraterrestrials are guiding our ascension in specific and personal ways
Much, much, more…

The truth is that the Ascension Mystery School is not for everyone.
I’ll be discussing controversial topics that confront conventional wisdom and tear down the veil that can blind you from the truth.
We will be diving deep into spiritual concepts and ideas that have never been talked about before…and you’ll have the chance to radically shift your trajectory on this planet.

I look forward to seeing you in the ascension!
In gratitude,

David Wilcock

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