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Bad Boy Formula by Carlos Xuma

Original price was: $97.00.Current price is: $9.01.

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Carlos Xuma – Bad Boy Formula — Free download


  • The complete breakdown of the “Bad Boy Spectrum” – a concrete explanation of all 8 types of men’s behavior, what women think of them, and where you should be. And how much Bad Boy is too much, so you never go too far…
  • Why it is that guys who try the “friends first” strategy with women always fail, and what women will never tell you about why this happens – and how to never get pegged as the “friends only” guy again…
  • 10 Qualities of the Nice Guy that dooms them to failure with women – and why they trigger a woman’s hidden disgust that makes her push him away. You’ll understand how the bad boy takes advantage of this to swoop in and steal women away…
  • Learn how to embody the Bad Boy traits that work – so that it’s really YOU, and she doesn’t think you’re some actor just half pulling it off and looking weak and “wussy” in the process…
  • 10 Essential Traits of the Bad Boy that skyrockets them to success with women – and how they trigger a woman’s instinctive ATTRACTION psychology that makes her chase after him. You’ll discover how the Bad Boy completely contrasts with the Nice Guy…
  • How to “break all the rules” the way a Bad Boy does, and not just get away with it, but get people more invested and involved in your friendship. Imagine being the guy that your friends call up when they want to go out and have FUN…
  • How to use the healthy and positive parts of the Bad Boy to build intrigue and accelerate a woman’s attraction for you…
  • How to get women to want to be around you – and approach YOU based on your sheer animal magnetism that you give off…
  • How to shut down another would-be jerk so that he runs away with his tail between his legs…
  • How to cut past your own inner “Nice Guy” softness so that you can truly speak your mind and be respected for your openness and “I don’t care what you think of me” attitude…
  • How to leverage the best parts of the Bad Boy to give women intense emotional experiences that addict her to you – and gets women to validate themselves to you – without “negging” her or putting her down in the process…
  • Internalize the “code” of the Bad Boy so that you can possess his attitude and thought process…
  • Eliminate that “harmless” and boring side of you that can’t awaken attraction or interest in a woman and take on the “dangerous” thrilling edge of a Bad Boy…
  • Finally, you will learn how to be able to display your raw masculine sexual essence to women so that she knows you’re a man that will keep her attracted – and satisfy all her desires so her eye will never “wander…”
  • The specific reasons women are attracted to the Bad Boy – even when he’s inappropriate and sometimes obnoxious – and how he gets away with it. When you use these secrets, you’ll be on par with the best of the best…
  • How Bad Boys go too far with their behavior – so you know when to stop and never turn people off…
  • The secret method for how the Bad Boy maintains his calm, unruffled exterior when approaching and meeting women – and how he gets the inner coolness to not care what women – or anyone – really thinks of him…
  • How to handle the guys who try to make a fool out of you – without getting into a confrontation – or ruining the mood of the group and creating a social disaster…
  • How the Bad Boy deals with difficult women so that he’s never beaten down by a snobby, arrogant woman – AND how to handle the tests you’ll get when women think they can bust you…
  • Have you ever heard a woman say they want the “nice guy” when we see her doing the complete OPPOSITE in real life? I’ll explain why this is, and why she seems to be lying to us when she says this. (The truth is VITAL to know, because you could be tricked into blaming women by mistake!)
  • Discover the hidden truth about why it is that men call themselves a “nice guy” and get tricked into damaging their reputation and skills with women…
  • I will show you how to tap into the One Forbidden Key of Psychological Persuasion that women respond to most. I’ll also show you how this ties into your behaviors and habits when you meet and talk with women so you get the most incendiary responses…
  • One of the critical components of how the “Jerk” operates is that he often goes TOO FAR. This is something that’s easy to avoid if you understand “The Dark Triad” of behaviors that he’s using. I’ll explain this triad – and the “Light” Triad – in detail so that you know where the “sweet spot” of Bad Boy attraction lies…
  • Men often mistake the “Bad Boy” for the “Player.” These are actually two different kinds of men – and you absolutely need to know how they’re different. I’ll show you the 5 Player Traits that push women away – AND draw them in…
  • 5 “Player” indicators that women look for that you need to avoid
  • The Core 28 Explosive traits of the Bad-Boy – what they are, how they work, and how you used them to capture the heart and fantasies of women…
  • The 10 steps of the “Vicious Cycle” – a complete breakdown of the exact way that a bad boy spirals out of control – and why women fall for this and end up more deeply addicted to him because of it…
  • The crowning glory of the Bad Boy is that he gets a TON of results for almost no effort. He never seems to work hard at getting what he wants. I’ll show you 10 Behaviors you will NOT find in a Bad Boy – AND how to get rid of them if you have them. And why these are probably MORE important than the things he does…
  • You’ve probably heard women say a thousand times that they want a “nice guy,” but do you know what she’s really talking about when she says this? I’ll give you a breakdown of the 7 habits of successful nice guys – what she’s REALLY thinking when it comes to what women want in a man…
  • So what is the Bad Boy THINKING in that brain of his? Unlocking the secrets of what is going on in his mind will help you to understand and use his confidence, his paradigms, and his beliefs … and his limitations!
  • The 3 C’s of Conversation and the 5 core conversation topics the Bad Boy must master…
  • Have you ever found yourself awestruck by a woman’s beauty? To the point of being paralyzed and acting like a wuss? I’ll explain exactly why this happens to guys, and how you avoid this overwhelming overload when you’re with a beautiful woman…
  • Why “heartache” is healthy – and how Bad Boys deal with it. You’ll find out the “Crush Difference” – how a nice guy handles it and how a Bad Boy rolls with it…
  • The Fatal Error that men make when they see a Bad Boy at work, and how to NOT get confused by a woman’s explanation of the attraction – discover what’s really going on deep down in her emotions…
  • What is it that women see in a Bad Boy when everyone else is telling her not to get involved with him? I’ve researched the psychology of this unique attraction, and I’ll show you the 8 Attraction Buttons that get pushed by him…
  • The two kinds of women that are attracted to the POISONOUS parts of the “jerk,” and how you spot them. If you want to stay happy, you must avoid these two kinds of women…
  • Some women simply don’t respond “normally” to a confident man – and they are drawn into unhealthy relationships. Even their responses to “attraction techniques” will seem inconsistent and confusing. I will teach you the three hidden “issues” of the Low-Quality Woman so that you don’t find yourself in an abusive or twisted relationship…
  • Have heard that women like competition for their affections? This is only true in ONE way. Do you know what it is? I’ll show you…
  • Discover the 2 attraction blueprints all women share, and how they both work to get a woman – but only one of them ensures her loyalty and her sexual desire for you…
  • The “blade” is the edge of balance between being too nice and too much of a jerk. I’ll explain exactly how you walk this sharp edge – and get away with it so you keep women’s interest and attraction…
  • Adopting the “Bad Boy” edge into your life is actually very simple. There are 3 primary traits of the Bad Boy – and I will take each of them and explain, dissect, and break them down into a simple formula for you to understand in just minutes…
  • The 7 Traits of “Bad Boy” Masculinity that skyrocket your attractiveness to women…
  • Six critical components of confidence that Bad Boys master. I’ll expose how this works, and how you can get the benefit from their “natural” skill. (Hint: If you learn it, you’ll be in better shape than any Bad Boy who isn’t prepared for challenges to his confidence…)
  • If you were to pull out the one major characteristic of Bad Boys that’s most important, it’s their “I” factor. Not just how they focus on themselves, but on one major part of their attitude that actually “speaks” to a woman’s programmed desire for the strongest man. Do you know what it is?
  • The 5 Keys To Bad Boy Attitude that communicate your “risky” side…
  • Have you ever found a woman you were interested in that you couldn’t work up the courage to get “cocky” with? You knew that you should act a bit more aloof, but you ended up wussing out – and you know that she lost respect for you as a result. Here’s how to keep that from happening again…
  • The specific part of a man’s behavior that tells a woman that you might be unreliable. Eliminate this from your life so that she feels safe with you – AND sticks around…
  • The 3 Myths of the Bad Boy – and the confusing part of these myths is that if you don’t know about them, they’re probably holding you back, but if you learn them correctly you can use them in your favor…
  • Why it is that “dumb” guys can get success with women – even when they’re doing the wrong things? And you’ll discover the secret of their successful behaviors…
  • Vocal power is one of the biggest subconscious influences on a woman – and I’ll show you 5 ways to instantly create your voice of authority and power with women…
  • One big mistake that “nice guys” make is to hold back on their emotions with women. In this section of the program, I’ll explain how you tap into the good part of your “dark side” so that women respect you and admire you…
  • How to get a nice girl “naughty” with you – the secret method of turning your sweet little “librarian” into your deliciously raunchy seductress…
  • Another important ingredient for women feeling that “naughty” edge to you is how well you flirt with them. Flirting is an essential skill, and I’ll show you the number one rule of flirting that guys break without even realizing it…
  • If you asked a woman what one of the top ways was for her to read your confidence level, it would be eye contact. I’ll show you three compelling ways to generate eye-contact power without even breaking a sweat…
  • The 8 Killer Rules of Confidence – use these eight rules to amplify your level of confidence – with specific methods of how you apply them in YOUR life…
  • 11 ways to up your self-reliance and self-sufficiency – how to show women a sense of confident independence that she’s looking for in you…
  • I’ll give you the “13 Words of Belief” – the Bad Boy Affirmation that every man must use in his life…
  • The one core strategy of the “player” that locks in his success with women. Every Bad Boy on the planet knows this rule more than any other, and it’s also the secret for keeping a woman loyal to you. Do you know what it is?
  • The “Cuddle-Weasel” mistake that every guy makes when he’s too nice with a girl, and virtually guarantees he will wind up frustrated and never get to sleep with a woman. I’ve made this mistake a bunch of times in the past, now I want to make sure you never make it again…
  • One incredibly easy source of “Bad Boy” humor and attitude that nice guys miss…
  • The 12 ways a Nice Guy flushes his attraction down the drain, and the 13 ways the Bad Boy uses the same situation to his advantage. You’ll get a clear cut understanding of EXACTLY how certain things you do can feel completely different to a woman…
  • The 15 Don’ts of the reformed nice guy – these are the essential 15 habits you will learn how to get rid of. (Including one that every guy struggles with: “Being Too Needy.” I’ll show you 4 specific NEEDY GUY things that you’re probably killing her with and you don’t even know it.) How many of these other 14 habits are you doing?
  • The 6 Elements of the Bad Boy Lifestyle – including specific subconscious messages that are communicated to women with each one of them…
  • The “Social Numbing” factors – how these 8 distinctive influences are subtly stealing your passion and your life energy away. And it’s this energy that is most attractive to women. I’ll show you how to stop this social cancer from spreading in your life. (And I’ll bet you have at least 2 or more of them in your home right now…)
  • Do you know what the 3 symptoms of “masculine death” are for guys? If you’re suffering from the loss of your inspiration and energy in life, chances are you’re a victim of one of these. I’ll also show you 5 methods for destroying them…
  • How to overcome social resistance from people in your life that are trying to hold you back and keep you from becoming more “Alpha…”
  • 9 fast and easy ways to transform your house or apartment from a geek palace to a seduction lair…
  • More important than your looks to women is your IMAGE that you give to them. Women are looking for 4 key areas to judge your image ( and one of them you probably would never guess is part of it.) I’ll explain all of them in detail for you, along with how you “upgrade” your image in just 3 minutes a day…
  • I’ll also show you six ways you can maintain a healthy “mental diet” that ensures you have a positive attitude, a confident frame of mind, and a hip ammo belt of conversation with women…
  • Over 30 Lock & Load Bad Boy Formulas: These 30+ techniques and tactics are the specific methods I used in my life to get my “Bad Boy” in gear and stop being such a wuss. If you put even a few of these to work for you, you’ll experience a turbo thrust of Bad Boy attitude…
  • The six steps to “Busting Balls” – Italian style. One of the Lost Arts of being a true bad boy was taught to me by my friends back where I grew up in New York. In this part of the program, I’ll show you how this technique will create an INSTANT level of cocky Bad Boy behavior that women cannot resist…
  • Dozens of specific ways to be more assertive and influential with women – AND men…
  • When I first started learning how to be a good “bad boy,” I got misled and redirected down all the wrong roads before I finally figured out what were the REAL role models I should use. In a special part of this program, I’ll show you how to find the best examples of the Bad Boy that you want to be…
  • Celebrity Bad Boys – who are the best examples you can learn from that are true-to-life – as well as where you’ll meet real Bad Boys in your world…
  • 32 Must-See movies that will give you a “Bad Boy Immersion program” – and some of the best examples of the tough and mischievous kind of man that women desperately want…
  • DANGER: Watch out for the female “players” out there. I’ll give you their 5 qualities and the way to spot one of these lethal women before she demolishes your game, and leaves you in the rubble…
  • And much MUCH more…!
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