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Borrowed Best Seller with Todd Brown

Original price was: $999.00.Current price is: $33.45.

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Todd Brown – Borrowed Best Seller — Free download


A Whole New Way To Grow Your Business FAST!
“Borrow A Bestseller”
And Get Flooded With
New Customers In Just Days!
Possibly The Easiest & Fastest Advertising Method To
Get Thousands Of New Buyers
YES! This will work for you
no matter what product or service you sell

The real magic was everything sold afterwards to all those new customers that little 2-page Borrowed Bestseller campaign generated.
That’s the beauty…
With a Borrowed Bestseller Campaign…
You Generate Sales From New Buyers Which You Then Own And
Sell Over And Over And Over!

Simply put:

You’re borrowing a bestseller… on a topic related to your main product or service…
Acquiring fresh, motivated customers as they buy the book from you thru your Borrowed Bestseller Campaign…
Then selling those new buyers your main product or service afterwards.
And as you get more and more new buyers from your Borrowed Bestseller Campaign, you own all those new customers for life and can sell more and more products to them anytime you want.
It really is…
Think about it, you can…
  • Borrow and sell a fitness bestseller… if you own a gym, sell a weight-loss product, or offer dietary supplements. Then you own a hot list of fitness enthusiast buyers you can sell your main product or service to over and over.
  • Borrow and sell a personal development bestseller… if you offer products on goal setting, time management, personal achievement, or leadership. Then you own a hot list of personal development enthusiast buyers you can sell your main product or service to over and over.
  • Borrow and sell an investing bestseller… if you offer a financial newsletter, accounting services, financial planning, or a stock-picking service,. Then you own a hot list of investing enthusiast buyers you can sell your main product or service to over and over.
  • Borrow and sell a relationship bestseller… if you offer dating advice, marriage counseling, pickup courses, or training on courting. Then you own a new list of relationship enthusiast buyers you can sell your main product or service to over and over.
  • Borrow and sell a business bestseller… if you offer marketing services, entrepreneurial coaching, website traffic courses, or business-growth tools and software. Then you own a new list of business enthusiast buyers you can sell your main product or service to over and over.

Fact is:

No matter what product or service you offer, the opportunities for you to borrow a bestseller, set-up the simple Borrowed Bestseller Campaign, and generate new customers… are endless. 
In fact, look at just a few of the added bestsellers I found on the secret source this week alone.
All, which are available right now to be borrowed and sold with a Borrowed Bestseller Campaign by a savvy entrepreneur like you.


And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

There are hundreds of books and bestsellers you’ll find inside the secret source which you can borrow and sell today with your own Borrowed Bestseller Campaign.
So, Here’s What To Do Now:

Look: If you’re currently getting all the customers your business can handle, keep doing what you’re doing.

I would tell you not to change anything.
But, if you want a rush of new buyers for your business… in as little as the next few days… here’s what I’ve done for you…
I’ve put everything you need to deploy your own Borrowed Bestseller Campaign into a brand new on-demand training bundle you can have access to right now…
Save 90%-OFF Right Now
What you’ll discover inside:
  • The simple 2-page Borrowed Bestseller Campaign Funnel. You can set this up in less than 3 hours.
  • ​My go-to secret source you can use today to borrow your first bestseller.
  • ​​The best type of book to borrow which will bring you new customers galore!
  • ​A simple way way to use your Borrowed Bestseller Campaign to fill any continuity program rapidly.
  • How to have your bestselling author give you a crazy-compelling free bonus to use in your Borrowed Bestseller Campaign! You’ll be shocked at how easy this is!
  • ​The price point sweet spot — how to price your borrowed bestseller so it sells like crazy!
  • ​ADD THIS!: The one thing to include in your Borrowed Bestseller Campaign which ensures prospects buy from you and never Amazon!
  • 1 trick to leverage monster buzz and PR from the biggest publishers… to get even more customers with your Borrowed Bestseller Campaign!
  • …and much more!

I’ve only shared the Borrowed Bestseller Campaign once before with entrepreneurs paying $497 each to get access. (I really wanted to charge $997, but my COO convinced me otherwise.)

Right now, during this brief pre-launch, you can have instant access to everything for ONLY $49.
However, as soon as our full marketing funnel is ready to go live, the price will jump dramatically.
And I don’t know about you… but… paying a lot more for the same thing doesn’t make any sense to me.
So, if you want your own Borrowed Bestseller Campaign bringing you new buyers in the next handful of days, now may be the best time (with the biggest savings) for you to grab the bundle.
Fill-out the form below to get access now to everything…
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