Brett Kitchen and Ethan Kap – P2 Virtual Selling Accelerator
Brett Kitchen Virtual selling is no longer optional—it’s an absolute necessity.
And even if circumstances change, you’ve seen how the ability to sell and close deals virtually can give you the income, lifestyle and retirement you’ve always dreamed of.
But as we all know, selling virtually is not the same as selling face to face for a host of reasons.
What You Get:
P2 Virtual Selling Accelerator – MODULE 1: The Presuppositional Playbook Psychology
The most fundamental difference in face to face, vs virtual selling is the absolute need to have the prospect be pushing for the sale.
When you sell virtually the more you talk, the worse your close rates will be.
When you are sitting with a prospect together, it’s easy to have the momentum of the meeting and the relationship you’ve developed together carry the sale to the finish line.
This does not happen virtually.
There is a distance, a void between you and the prospect that is easy for them to take your information and disappear, taking it to another advisor they know better.
Presuppositional Selling does two important things. First, it structures the sales interaction in such a way that the prospect discovers intrisically the problems, pains, gains, and desire for a solution.