
Dave Kaminski -How To Profit From AI

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Dave Kaminski -How To Profit From AI

Here’s Why You Need To Read Every Word On This Page

12 months ago, AI was a promising curiosity…it did some neat tricks, but you could tell everything it did was “fake”.
Today, AI is passing final exams at the University of Pennsylvania Wharton School, passing the bar exams taken by lawyers (where about 50% of humans fail) and is being used by the IRS to determine the best scare tactics to get people to pay their taxes.
That’s a big jump in just 12 months.
And you better believe that the advancements this year are going to make 2022 look like a middle-school science fair project. And it’s just getting started.
AI is going to both build and bankrupt businesses. Create new jobs, while demolishing others. And make new millionaires, while others watch their careers dissolve into nothing.
So the question is, which side do you want to be on? Right now, you still have a choice. In the future, you won’t.


Here’s Why You’re Dead Wrong If You Think AI Won’t Affect You


Here’s a fun fact for you: 95% of the population doesn’t understand what’s going on with AI or what it can do for them.
Most of them…maybe including you…think their business or profession is “AI-proof”. After all, the original predication for AI was that it would only affect “3D jobs”; those that are dangerous, dirty or dull. You know, like a robot that flips burgers.
Nope. AI has done a total 180. It’s going to take down writers, coders and marketers first. In fact, it’s already happening.
Here’s what this means for you.
Those three things I mentioned? Writing, coding, marketing…all three are not only the basic ingredients, but the life-blood of any website or online business.
So let’s say you have an online business (or are planning on having one). Guess what? That means you are using words, code and marketing to generate revenue.
And if you don’t know how to harness to power of AI for those things, anyone who does can come along and dominate you. They’ll be able to do all of those things faster, better and cheaper than you. And that’s because AI is like turning one person into 100.
In other words, someone who knows how to use AI for their business is going to beat someone who doesn’t. Hands-down. 100% of the time. And it’s not even going to be close.
Do you want that power…or do you want your competitors to have it?

Here’s How I Can Help You

The harsh reality when it comes to AI is this: the people who know the right questions to ask, how to control it, what the tools are and when to execute them are going to be the ones who dominate their market. Like D-O-M-I-N-A-T-E.
And these are the exact things I’ll be giving you in my new training, called How To Profit From AI.

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