
David Bryant – Build Your Million Dollar Business Importing from China

Original price was: $997.00.Current price is: $30.03.

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Official Price: $997
Our Price: $20
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How to Build a Million Dollar Business Importing from China
Do you have absolutely no idea what products to import? Does it seem like EVERY product has been done a thousand times over on Amazon? I’ll give you a plan for how to find products that you can build a business around. Read that carefully- build a business. I don’t want you to find a product to import. I want you to build a business that lets you stop working for the man and start working for yourself.
What products did my company sell nearly $2million of a year?
In 2016, my company was selling nearly $2 million of products a year. What were my products? I’ll give you a hint: the New Yorker did an article on the dragons in Game of Thrones and consulted my company for product advice. I’ll tell you what exactly the products were (including links to all our website and Amazon store) and give you a link to the article.
5 Negotiation Hacks with Chinese Suppliers to get you the LOWEST PRICES
In this course I’ll show you THREE HIDDEN sources to find Suppliers that 99.99999% of your competitors don’t use.
How to Get Your Supplier to Accept SMALL ORDERS
Have you ever tried looking for products from China and Suppliers want you to order a kazillion of the products? I’ll give you my PROVEN method for getting Suppliers to accept small orders that you can use with almost any Supplier.
How Non-Americans can sell on FBA (it’s easy if you know how)

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