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Shane Parris – Decision By Design

Original price was: $999.00.Current price is: $34.95.

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Shane Parrish – Decision By Design

Shane Parris – Decision By Design

Master your decision skills, confidently avoid analysis paralysis, and unlock opportunities.

Decision by Design is a 12 week training program for top performers who want to confidently take risks, stand out from their peers, and position themselves for the best possible future.
Your success at work and at home is directly tied to your ability to make great decisions.
Think about it. Every day we are faced with decisions about what to work on, how to spend our time, how to invest in our health and relationships.
If we make the wrong choices, the best case scenario is we spin our wheels for years without getting anywhere. What usually happens is far worse — not only do we waste time, but we see a deterioration of health, dissatisfaction at work, lost opportunities, and strained relationships with the people who matter most.
Writer and philosopher Albert Camus said, “Our life is the sum of our choices.” If that’s true, then how we make decisions should be something that deserves our highest attention and most focused energies. Decision by Design teaches you the skills you need to make the best decision. Every time.
Decision by Design is taught by Shane Parrish, the Wall-Street Journal bestselling author and founder of Farnam Street Media, Latticework Publishing, and Syrus Partners.
The New York Times called Shane the unlikely guru that helps Wall Street think better.
Shane has spent years working with, coaching, and learning from the best decision makers in the world.
While each decision is different, there are things that the best decision makers do consistently that put them on the right path.
Decision by Design students can ask questions and get feedback during monthly live office hour calls with Shane. Allowing you to learn not just from your own experience, but from your peers as well.
Over 300,000 people subscribe to his weekly newsletter about timeless insights.
He’s taught thousands of people how to make better decisions.


Shane Parris – Decision By Design
Shane Parris – Decision By Design
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