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GirlsChase – One Date System

Original price was: $999.00.Current price is: $34.95.

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One Date System — GirlsChase — Free download


Chase woke up one day in 2004 tired of being alone. So, he set to work and read every book he could find, studied every teacher he could meet, and talked to every girl he could talk to to figure out dating. After four years, scads of lays, and many great girlfriends (plus plenty of failures along the way), he launched this website. He will teach you everything he knows about girls in one single program in his One Date System.

Inside the video you’ll learn:

  • How to use the One Date SAC model to make a girl your girlfriend (or just your lover, if you didn’t plan on sticking around) in one single, simple, easy-to-get date
  • The way to know which of three ‘dater boxes’ a girl falls into (and thus, exactly which date format you need to give her to make her yours)
  • A fascinating study from the 1970s about what happens when you put a man and a woman on an unstable bridge together… and how you can use this on your dates (even when there isn’t an unstable bridge nearby)
  • A neat tip on spotting girls ready for a ‘hookup date’… plus how to run a girl through this date, all the way to the bedroom, once you know it’s what she needs
  • You’ll also get to hear some of my story, including a bit about that awful date with Lisa you might’ve heard me talk about before…!

One Date

Now I can take the girl I want as my girlfriend… in one simple, easy-to-get date. I can use the One Date SAC model to know exactly what date to give her. And once I’m on the date, I just follow the steps to make her mine. One Date shows me how to do it all with ease in step-by-step videos and an info-packed handbook.

One Date 5-Text Sequence

I send a girl these 5 to-the-letter texts to ask her on a date. I follow the schedule guide to know when to send them. And can customize them or use them as-is.

– How To Ask Her Out In Awkward Settings & Situations

These strategies get me dates with the girls I want… even when there’s no “perfect moment” to ask a girl out.

– 10 Opening Sequences And Which To Use When

No matter where I find her, I know just what to say to meet her thanks to “Opening Sequences.”

– What to Do When She Doesn’t Text Back

This “text message repair kit” lets me solve any sticky text issue I run into. I don’t have to worry about girls who stop responding anymore.

The Dating Artisan (Modules 1&2)

I’ll get access to The Dating Artisan, the most ultimate course on dating and mating ever created. I’ll get deep, awesome coverage on every subject imaginable in dating. And have it all presented to me in a simple, practical, intuitive way. This is THE course that lets me take the lessons of One Date to the absolute hilt… and get the top of the top women. The most streamlined dating life. And the most incredible, fulfilling, supportive romantic relationships.

– Secret Bonuses

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