Jason Fladlien – Product eClass 2022 | 6.12 GB
Jason Fladlien What You Get:
The 3rd Party Profit Model
Subject matter experts are a dime a dozen. What is rare is a marketer who knows how to extract the real value and market that expertise.
That is you after this very first session! You’ll discover:
– Why there is no relationship between being good and getting paid – and how to fix that so you can get paid and be good.
– In spite of the fact there are millions of YouTube videos and Podcasts for free, people still buy info products to the tunes of tens of millions of dollars per day. Once you understand the hidden why for this, it will change everything for you!
– The 6 step process for taking someone else’s knowledge and proof and turning it into a product, complete with a sales pitch – in record time, and where everyone wins (You, the customer, and the expert)!
Backend Profits
The worst way to make money in the information business is with a new customer. For myself and my Product eClass clients, we typically make six, or seven figures with only hundreds of customers. You can too, once you tap into what every other info product seller is missing.
– The one type of information buyer found in every market that is worth at last 212 times the average customer. Just focus on these types and you won’t want for anything ever again.