
Jerry Ghionis Photography – Jewellery Fashion Shoot – Sierra

Original price was: $497.00.Current price is: $35.00.

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Jerry Ghionis Photography – Jewellery Fashion Shoot – Sierra | 994 MB

The Ice Society was a subscription-based photography educational website created by Jerry Ghionis dedicated to empowering fellow professionals and enthusiasts to take their photography and business to new heights.

Ice Pick – Jewellery Fashion shoot

Posing & Lighting – Alternative reflectors


Ice Queen – Sierra

Practice – Images from the Nikon D850 campaign

Tip of the Iceberg – Working together as a couple

Icing on the Cake – Using the Ice Light outdoors

This month, we’re excited to share a jewellery shoot where Jerry found innovative ways to show off each piece. This month’s Tip of the Iceberg is especially relevant for couples that work together and offers some tips on how to make it work. Jerry also highlights some of his favorite wedding images from the recent Nikon D850 campaign in this month’s “Practice.” A very interesting addition this month is in Posing & Lighting where Jerry finds “alternative” reflectors in his everyday environment. And he also shares several tips on how to use your Ice Light outdoors.

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