Jin W. Choi – Step-By-Step Business Math and Statistics (3rd Edition)
Jin W. Choi – Step-By-Step Business Math and Statistics (3rd Edition)
English | Size: 188.98 MB
Step-by-Step Business Math and Statistics is written to help those who need a quick refresher on mathematics and statistics as the foundation of a rigorous MBA program. This book fills the gap left by many textbooks that are often dedicated to either mathematics or statistics, but not both. It also serves as both a textbook that describes basic concepts and a workbook that shows plenty of examples and exercise problems. This book covers only the most fundamental topics in business mathematics and statistics and truly lays down the basic concepts step by step.
This course will teach you all the necessary basics and advanced tools, but it’s not PowerPoint 101 for beginners. I mention basic tools and techniques, but I assume that you are computer savvy and know how to find your way around PowerPoint already. BUT! If you aren’t then I have prepared a completely FREE PowerPoint basics course, which will equip you with the knowledge necessary to take this one. It’s available on my profile under free courses. It’s called “PowerPoint for Beginners – Program & Animation Basics FREE”
Q: I’m enrolled in your PowerPoint Masterclass
– Presentation Design & Animation course. Should I get this one or is the other one enough? Which one is better?
Good Question! Both courses are top PowerPoint courses that teach you the knowledge and tools to create outstanding presentations, animations, and templates. They are just two different versions that use different slides and unique content respectively. The benefit of that is you can follow a different design path on each course. Students who finished the first master’s course were asking me for more, and I’m happy to provide more if there is demand for it. If you already feel super-comfortable with PowerPoint, one course is enough. But if you seek even more design ideas and slides, and if you like my content and the way I teach, you won’t go wrong by taking both courses. Each of those two courses has several unique sections that allow them to expand their knowledge in their own way.