
Lead Ads Badassery by Bot Badassery

Original price was: $999.00.Current price is: $30.96.

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Bot Badassery – Lead Ads Badassery — Free download



Lead Ads. Lead Ads. Lead Ads. If you are not using them in your marketing you are leaving a METRIC TON of leads on the table.

SUPER simple to set up. Not to mention Rapid Deployment.

Does this mean Messenger Bots are done? Absolutely not.

But if you are not using BOTH, half of your audience doesn’t even know you


Simple. Simple. Simple. Get the point?

Facebook™ makes it SO easy for us to get a successful ad up and running, anyone from anywhere can deploy an ad within 60 minutes or less.

Targeting? Check.
Ad copy? Check.
Compelling image? Check.
Budget? Check.
Epic Results? CHECK!


This one is where EVERYONE drops the ball.

Getting someone to click on your ad is one thing.

It is a WHOLE other thing to get them to actually hit the SUBMIT button and give you their email.

Screw this up and you might as well burn your money.

Not to mention NOBODY is teaching you why your Lead Ad isn’t getting shared.

It’s because one tiny little setting is ALL WRONG…


Yuck. The topic everyone avoids. But not us.

There are 100’s of Autoresponders you can use out there.

But each and every one of them has their own nuances.

We have battle tested them.

And you are getting the good, bad AND ugly of each.

You simply decide which fits your business model the best.


Facebook’s default way of dealing with leads baffles us.

Once someone gives you their email, it literally sits in an Excel file in Facebook.

Did you know you can actually send that email over to your Autoresponder with a simple tool?

We thought this was common knowledge because we’d been doing it this easy way from the start.

As of right now, there are only 2 services we


You cannot, and we mean CANNOT overlook this step.

This is your first interaction with your new subscriber.

This is where you have to put your best foot forward.

No ‘winging it’ allowed.

From subject line to using emojis to your initial call to action. You have GOT to nail this


This is our FAVORITE Module.

The two of us have tested this time and time again and it JUST. PLAIN. WORKS.

How does having your new subscribers sharing your ad around to their friends… for FREE?

All while making your ad go viral.

It’s just plain nuts.

And NOBODY, and I mean NOBODY is teaching you to do it this way.


If you sell online courses (or are an affiliate) and only deal in info products, LISTEN UP!

We are giving you a fill-in-the-blank template you can use.

You DO NOT have to deliver a 50+ page ebook for a lead magnet anymore. No freakin’ way.

Want to fill your funnel with HUNGRY customers?

THIS is the Module to pay attention to.


You guys have it MADE.

Lead Ad + eCom = GOLDMINE.

The best part? We do this all while keeping it SUPER simple.

Again, you get a fill in the blank ad template + a custom flow to take your customer from Facebook Ad all the way to a Sale.

Boom badda bing! Pay attention eCommers!


We all know that having more than one touchpoint with our customers is key.

What if you had a fill-in-the-blank template you could use to not only get their email, but then get them into your group as well?

This has been battle tested and man, it works like a charm!


Money Loves Speed. And so do Lead Ads.

I mean you can deploy an ad and follow up in under 30 minutes.

We’ve even refined it to under 10 minutes!

Want to test something? Even a brand new niche?

Deploy a Lead Ad campaign effortlessly and seamlessly with this process.

We cut away all unnecessary steps and have a niche up, tested and ready to delete or scale with all the data we need in under 24 hours.

And bonus.

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