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Nate Schmidt – Ecom Copy Crash Course

Original price was: $497.00.Current price is: $35.00.

Nate Schmidt – Ecom Copy Crash Course | 2.23 GB


– The dead simple “common sense” reason I was able to make a full-time income online so fast (it normally takes most people years to get to where I am today, yet for this one reason I was able to bypass months and years of struggle and heartache, and I show you exactly how I did it in this section).

– How my best friend (who’s a drummer) went from broke in the basement to having more paid gigs than he could handle (I taught him the exact stuff I teach in this course, and while it’s geared towards e-commerce, it’s so principle-based that it can be applied to make more sales of whatever you’re selling, whether it be physical products, info products, music gigs, whatever).

– Why dropshipping and e-commerce can actually be much harder than other biz models (there’s a little something called “buyer intent” that makes selling much easier, but your customers likely won’t have this, so I show you how to overcome this by “forcing” the impulse buy).

– The “stealth” way to find profitable products that are all but guaranteed to sell (90% of e-com store owners don’t do this, but it’s a really simple and 100% FREE way to get an edge on competitors and take the “guesswork” out of product picking).

– The 5 completely unscientific questions to answer that will tell you exactly what your market wants in as little as 2 hours (one of the keys to making lots of sales is having an offer people actually want, and these 5 questions will reveal what that is for your market as soon as today if you follow the guidelines I lay out in this section).


– Why anyone who knows and applies these 9 principles will ALWAYS be able to put food on the table (even in the worst recession, if you understand this stuff, you’ll be able to make out like a bandit while everyone else is struggling just to find scraps for dinner).

– The “so simple a monkey could do it” 3 step process for picking a profitable niche in the e-commerce space (people are always worried about what products to sell, but really they should be focused on who to sell these products to, since most people don’t even have the disposable income required for you to build your own ecom empire).

– Why I don’t pay attention to click-through-rates, engagement, or any other “vanity” metric (some “gurus” swear by these metrics, but in this section I reveal why they’re really just stroking their own ego, and what metrics to actually pay attention to put the most $$ in your pocket).

– How to ethically and effectively use emotional triggers to make lots of sales (this is something I picked up in my short stint as a freelance copywriter for a multi-million dollar supplement company, and something that almost feels like cheating when done right with e-commerce and dropshipping because it’s so effective).

– The “lazy man’s” trick for learning how to write highly persuasive copy (I picked this up from one of my mentors, Ben Settle, and it allowed me to learn how to write great copy faster than NASCAR, without having to spend hundreds of hours reading copywriting books like everyone else).


– Why two stores selling the exact same product, at the exact same price, with the exact same strategies, often have wildly different sales numbers, and how to make sure you’re always the one that comes out on top (it all comes down to how you make people FEEL, and could easily make the difference between $200 in sales per day vs. $2,000)

– The one aspect of social media advertising that sets 6 and 7 figure dropshippers like Hayden Bowles and Sebastian Ghiorghiu apart from everyone else (95% of dropshippers don’t do this, and ironically, it has nothing to do with writing copy – yet, since implementing this one strategy, my sales have increased by over 40%).

– 5 specific examples of Facebook ads that use the strategy I mention above, that you can easily and ethically swipe for your own use (I don’t usually like giving specific “hand-holding” examples like this, but these ads have done millions of dollars of sales collectively, so against my better judgement, I share them in this section anyway).

– Why the first sentence in your ad copy is hands down the most important, and how to structure it in a way that “hooks” people in and makes them actually WANT to read your ad (most people hate reading ads, but when you structure it the way I show here, you make people so interested that they almost have no choice but to read it).

– 2 copy “secrets” I use in all my ads to increase engagement, click-through-rates, and most importantly, sales (most people know the first one, but very few know the second one, which is a shame because it’s put plenty a peso in my pocket over these past few months).


– My personal list of the 5 things I brand my store with to make it as easy, simple, and enjoyable as possible for people to give me their hard-earned money (this goes overlooked by 90% of newbies, yet is very important because you’ll make a lot more sales when people actually enjoy buying from you).

– How to make your dinky little dropshipping store indistinguishable from big name brands (The Wall Street Journal recently published an article “exposing” the dropshipping business model to the masses, so if you get this part wrong, a lot of people will know and it’s very likely you’ll lose sales because of it).

– A live example of how I display trust on my stores (with e-commerce, you’re asking total strangers to give you their money, which in any other case would be near impossible, but if you do it how I do it people will have no problem handing over their personal information to you in as little as 5 minutes).

– Why the human brain is, by default, wired to respond positively to this one psychological “hack” (it’s not rocket science, but it’s very easy to mess up, so I show you how to take advantage of this “short circuit” in the human brain to make lots of sales).

– One deadly mistake almost every newbie dropshipper makes when trying to increase sales using scarcity (of the dozens of people who’ve sent me their stores for review, all but 2 have made this mistake, and they think it’s helping, but it’s actually strangling their sales because people see right through it).


– How to craft highly persuasive product descriptions that hold people “hostage” until they click Add To Cart (when you write like this, it’s almost like you have a gun to their head, because in their mind they essentially have no choice buy to buy).

– A centuries-old sales strategy used by some of the best salesman in history that works like gangbusters with e-commerce (I see very few people actually taking the time to do this, but once I implemented it on one of my products, sales skyrocketed, literally overnight).

– The subtle difference between writing ad copy and writing product descriptions (this is another one of those psychological “hacks” that takes advantage of a “short circuit” in the human brain to almost force people to buy your stuff).

– A “hold my hand” example where I craft a killer product description for an imaginary product step-by-step (this part alone took me over 2 hours to create, but contains some of my most effective copy “tricks” for persuading people to buy now, not later).

– Why you should always include this one sentence in all of your product descriptions, no matter what you’re selling (this applies to selling anything, not just e-commerce, and has to do with giving people a “reason” to buy – since, without one, it’s very likely they won’t).


– 6 real life examples of great Instagram ads with detailed video commentary about the good, the bad, and how to apply the good to your own ads while dispelling the bad.

– A full transcript (highlighted and annotated by yours truly) of my podcast appearance on Kyle Trouble’s “Troublesome Radio,” where we talk dropshipping, advanced Facebook ads strategies, persuasive writing, email marketing, and more.

– The ECCC “Cheat Sheet” (an easy-to-refer-back-to PDF containing all the most important information from the course for your easy viewing pleasure).

– A “Big Nate’s Big Tweets” section where I’ve put together some of my best performing and most actionable tweets for you to use to make more sales, be more persuasive, and get what you want from life.

– A “What Now?” section, containing specific and highly actionable advice for using the information in ECCC to either create your own profitable Shopify store or make your current store even more profitable.


– A no-holds-barred, 100% uncensored, behind-the-scenes look at one of my exact Shopify product pages (the product, the copy, the visuals, the upsells, literally everything that allows me to enjoy a 3-5% conversion rate from ice cold traffic).

– The “secret” tool I use to construct high converting product pages in 30 minutes or less (it’s hands down the best $29 I spend every month, since I make it back in spades with just a few sales).

– Exactly how I construct my Facebook ad copy + visuals to get ridiculously cheap traffic (in many cases, it even ends up being 100% free because people share it with their friends like it’s going out of style).

– A 17-minute “I’ll probably regret sharing this” video revealing my never-before-seen strategy for finding winning dropshipping products using nothing but Facebook and AliExpress (I’ve been hesitant to share this because it really is one of my dropshipping “secrets,” but since you’re a paying customer I believe it’s the right thing to do).

– “Niche-Picking For Dummies” video slideshow with commentary (contains my three criteria for picking a profitable niche + 24 ready-to-use examples of profitable niches that fit these criteria).

– Plus. a new video showing my Facebook ads dashboard for the entire month of June 2018 (includes detailed guidance as to exactly when to kill an ad, keep it running, or scale it to the moon).


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