
Own The Inbox Challenge by Alex Cattoni

Original price was: $197.00.Current price is: $30.04.

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Own The Inbox Challenge by Alex Cattoni

Alex Cattoni  – Own The Inbox Challenge  – 12.13 GB What You Get: DAY 1 UNDERSTANDING THE 12 CUSTOMER ARCHETYPES. Thousands of out-of-touch brands still rely on soulless templates and one-size-fits-all email marketing to (try to) make sales and connect with their audiences. That’s a hard NO here at the Posse. In this session, you’ll learn the 3 biggest email marketing mistakes to avoid at all costs, how to identify your customer’s core values, drives and desires based on 12 proven personality archetypes and the secret to planning a highly-targeted and effective email marketing campaign that oozes with empathy. DAY 2 THE 3-STEP FORMULA FOR TURNING SIGNUPS INTO SALES Before you put pen to paper (or fingers to keys) and start writing emails, you must plan your perfect promotion. It’s not enough to know what you’re selling and to whom – as an email marketing strategist, you decide how. This is THE secret sauce that puts the most highly-paid copywriters on a level above the rest. On day 2, you’ll discover key conversion triggers, persuasion principles and objection killers PLUS the 3-step formula for turning signups into sales in a snap. DAY 3 12 EMAILS THAT CREATE AUTHORITY & ANTICIPATION On day 3 of the Challenge, you’ll learn the email marketing strategies that work today and get your hands on the coveted Posse Email Playbook: 12 fully-customizable email frameworks that I’ve used to run countless creative marketing campaigns and execute million-dollar launches for myself and my clients. You’ll learn the goal, hook and anatomy of each email, along with when to use them and why. Then you’ll design your very own sales campaign like the email marketing boss you are! DAY 4 HOW TO WRITE RAD EMAILS YOUR AUDIENCE LOVES This is where things get FUN. On day 4, you’ll learn how to strategically craft your customer’s buying experience by writing emails that validate their struggles, encourage their dreams, and empower them to take inspired action. You’ll learn the 4 types of open loops, secrets for improving email readability and flow and how to infuse your copy with conversational charm and personality so they know there’s an awesome human on the other side. DAY 5 HOW TO WRITE MAJORLY MAGNETIC SUBJECT LINES & CTAS Did you know that 47% of email recipients open an email based on the subject line alone and another 24% also base it on the preview text? That’s right, it doesn’t matter how great your email is if no one’s going to read it On day 5, you’ll learn how to write killer subject lines that will get your emails opened faster than a text from your bff – PLUS best practices to avoid the spam folder, tips for optimized formatting and how to write click-worthy CTAs.


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