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Roland Frasier – EPIC Business Buying Blueprint

Original price was: $999.00.Current price is: $34.11.

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Roland Frasier – EPIC Business Buying Blueprint Download Now

In this module, you’ll. – Understand why “starting” a business is riskier, harder, & more expensive than buying one – Become aware of the $10 TRILLION dollar opportunity in the market that existed BEFORE the global recession.and the flood of opportunities that come with the “Next normal” – Master a glossary of terms and formulas the pros use so you never feel lost or left out of a conversation again – Learn the 5 reasons why businesses sell at a discount so you are clear about what a deal looks like and who you can help – And most importantly, learn how “lateral thinking” will open up tons of possibilities in places where others (especially the seller) will not have thought to look In Module 2, we focus on FINDING If we are going to be buying business we need to know where to find them. Where are they? Why do they want to sell? And, more importantly, how do we get THEM to come to US? In module 2, you’ll. – Learn how to (legally) spy on the smartest and most successful investors on the planet so you can piggyback on the categories of companies they are buying RIGHT NOW – Get the step-by-step process on how to discover which companies will be the most profitable for you to acquire. – Download a list of the top 21 places to NEVER source a deal – Swipe the industry’s best scripts and templates so you know exactly what to say (and what NOT to say) to a prospective business owner in every conversation In Module 3, we focus on FUNDING More specifically funding deals.without any money out of our pocket! In this module, you’ll. – Download the Business Buying Bible where you’ll have access to over 159 proven funding strategies that require no money out of pocket – Implement ‘Instant Earn In’s’ strategies where you get instant equity in a company by providing highly leveraged services like consulting, connections, or marketing.that you can then outsource! – How to negotiate a “Win / Win” deal for everyone involved and stay within the ‘Zone of Fairness’ each and every time – Pocket equity for free using the “Pipe Wrench” proposal with companies you are already in business with and providing value – Cash in on companies that you never even own by following the ‘Reverse Wholesale’ revenue model – Do the ‘Deferred Close + 4 Day Cash Machine” deal where you arrange to buy the business at a future date then run this proven promo series so the company’s revenues pay for your purchase! In Module 4, we focus on BUYING This is where the rubber meets the road. Together in this module we are going to shift from theory to application and break down all the nuts & bolts of buying a business so you feel safe, certain, and confident when closing your deals. In Module 4, you’ll. – Be handed my full arsenal of tools, templates, checklists, and agreements I use on all my deals and have spent thousands in attorney’s fees to be created – Master the Letter of Intent as we walk through the entire tool together and I give you some super secret insider tips & tricks on making your offers even more profitable along the – Command total control of your purchase agreement as we go through that together step-by-step to make sure you’re safe and above board on every deal – Dissect your Due Diligence checklists so never miss anything in your research and have total confidence in your purchase – Lay out your pre & post closing strategies to ensure a seamless transition and makes sure you get to cash flow with none of your personal assets committed – as soon as the deal is signed! In Module 5, we focus on GROWTH Now, imagine. you have deals coming to you like clockwork, you have unlimited funding options to capitalize on, you’re super secure in your valuations and closing process, and your post closing integrations are working like a well oiled machine.what’s next? Scale it up! That’s what we’ll cover in Module 5: GROW In this Module on Growth, you’ll. – Apply the 5-80-5 multiplier principle to the success of your business and scale without hesitations, confusion, or uncertainty – Achieve “Unicorn Growth” using 5 customer acquisitions strategies that are guaranteed to drive massive results – As well as hear from my business partners, Ryan Deiss & Richard Linder, on how to structure your organization for maximum success, satisfaction, and scale


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