Shawn Blanc – The Focus Course
Shawn Blanc bby The Focus Course
We are all in the midst of a lifestyle reset.
We are finding new ways to work.
Everything is different.
When your life changes like this, you deserve to take a moment. To see what new values matter to you now.
When you lack focus and clarity, it’s a challenge to stay on track and do the things that matter most.
But good news! (Ugh.)
Unfortunately, as you can see, most productivity advice focuses on the wrong things. Let’s fix that…
You see, discussions around time management and productivity often center on how to get more done in less time. And while that’s neat, it’s not the epitome of productivity (by any means).
Moreover, despite this feast of “productivity advice” and the overwhelming emphasis on being “efficient”, good people everywhere are still trying to wrap up their week without feeling overwhelmed at life and pissed-off at their task list.
…in a good way.
First, the bad news… When you lack focus in one area of your life then it bleeds over into all the other areas, too. Making it difficult to find clarity or gain traction in anything at all.
But, conversely, when you get focused in one area, then it leads the way for the next. As you bring one thing into alignment then you’ll find a momentum and an ease for the next thing, and the next, and so on.
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