
Ted McGrath – Product to Millions

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What You’ll Learn In Product to Millions?
Step 1, Module 1: The Product To Millions Map

Overview of The 6 Step Product To Millions Map
What is a Funnel?

Most people don’t really understand funnels, and if you don’t understand you won’t succeed.
A Sales Funnel is a Series of Sales Pages That Offer Your Products To Clients and Bring Them Along The Customer Journey To Your End Goal and Their Transformation.

Defining The End Goal of the Funnel

Do you want your funnel to help you sell books, coaching programs, fill seminars, or create recurring revenue or ALL OF THE ABOVE?
Knowing why you want to build a Product Funnel and How To Create it is ESSENTIAL.

My 5 Step framework for Creating Products and Marketing Funnels That Scale FAST

Step 2, Module 2: The Ultimate Offer Sequence


How To Create Your Free Gift So You Can Collect Leads and Grow Your Email List
Copy my 3 Highest Converting Opt In Pages and Design Yours in 3 minutes
How To Create Your Headlines and The Perfect Images That Increase Conversions
My pages convert as high as 67% with cold traffic from Facebook (no video, just plain simple text)
How To Design Your First Offer (In Module 4, I show you how to structure and Price Your Product)

This Module is about Designing Your Offers So You Can Rock Your Messaging and Understand The Map Of Your Offers.

Creating Your Upsell Offer To Your 2nd Product
What makes an Upsell work
Why Upsells are critical to Scale Your Business
How Upsells can help you scale your advertising budget (this lesson is for more advanced marketers BUT everyone must learn this early on)
My Top 3 Secrets For Pricing Offers for Your Market Place
How To Scale These Offers With Facebook Marketing

Once you know how to create offers, your next step is to create RECURRING Revenue.
This is one of the EASIEST products to create and launch in…
The Ultimate Offer Sequence Step 3, Module 3: Rapid Recurring Revenue

How To Create a membership program that brings in profits and recurring revenue
The Key To Launching Your Membership Program in 7 days or Less
The Secret To The $1 Trail For More sign ups and More customers

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