Masculinity Rediscovered – The Bible of Pleasure – Become Her “Best Ever!”
The Bible of Pleasure 70% of all women NEVER reach Orgasm during intercourse with their partner.
Look, brother.
Most women are used to AVERAGE sex and BELOW-AVERAGE foreplay (if at all)
They forget about a sexual experience soon after it happens.
Because it’s very plain.
In fact, many of your girlfriends and wives might even be going through it.
Of course, you’ll say-
“But I’ve never had any complaints.”
That’s Because Women DON’T Want to Hurt YOUR Ego.
she’s used to boring sex anyway- so she thinks that is the norm.
More importantly, it’s always easier for her to just look for somebody who CAN give her good sex.
Do you consider yourself to be a Growth Minded, Action Taking Badass?
Because this is what happened with exactly that man who invested in this course-
The AVERAGE man sleeps with JUST 4 Women in his lifetime.
Now, a high body count isn’t necessary.
some men are happy with their wives of 40 years, having a body count of ONLY 1.
if you’re a High-Value Man who wants to explore the field, learn more about women, & share Intimate experiences with the kind of women YOU desire?
ONLY then, keep reading.
If not?
STOP RIGHT HERE, and go back to searching for a wife who you can have sex with once a week (if you’re “lucky”)
If you don’t want to become better in bed,
No Problem.
Somebody else will