
The Stiff And Unstable Shoulder – Jared Powell

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The Stiff AND Unstable Shoulder – Jared Powell
In this comprehensive online?program,?designed for musculoskeletal health professionals, we take a deep dive into:

The epidemiology and demographics of a stiff and unstable shoulder – who is at risk of developing a wobbly or stiff shoulder?
The pathophysiology!?– is there a clear pathology underpinning a frozen shoulder or shoulder instability? Does this inform management?
Classification and natural history
Differential diagnosis – you can?t afford to get this wrong!
The patient interview and physical examination – imperative to be a GOOD CLINICIAN
What interventions are available to manage frozen shoulder and shoulder instability?? We focus on physical therapy, injection therapy and surgical options
How does physical therapy compare to surgery and injection therapy?
What can YOU do to help people suffering with frozen shoulder or an unstable shoulder? This is where you earn your stripes!

You will:

Have an in depth understanding of the pathology underpinning a stiff or unstable shoulder and how this may inform management
Learn how to accurately detect a frozen shoulder or an obscure unstable shoulder via simple interview and objective techniques
Have increased confidence to manage stiff and unstable shoulder presentations, which have historically proved to be challenging and complicated cases
Be able to?collaboratively manufacture an evidence-based pathway for those suffering to return to function and valued activity

I think I should also learn The Stiff And Unstable Shoulder? BY JARED POWELL because my joints are also quite painful hahaha – Admin

The Stiff Shoulder
Module 1: Fundamentals

What is frozen shoulder exactly?
How does it occur?
In whom? Why?
What is it associated with?

Module 2: Diagnosis

How to diagnose frozen shoulder?
What other conditions do we needs to consider?
The patient interview and physical examination

Module 3: Management

The discerning physical therapist?s intervention for frozen shoulder
What is the evidence for physical therapy, injection therapy and surgery?
What should YOU do to manage a person with frozen shoulder?

The Unstable Shoulder
Module 1: Fundamentals

What is shoulder instability exactly?
How does it occur?
In whom? Why?
Recurrence rates?? Does anything predict this?

Module 2: Diagnosis

The patient interview and physical examination: how do you detect a shoulder instability presentation clinically?
Do you use special tests?
What information do you need to derive from your interview?
What are some common surgical procedures to manage shoulder instability?

Module 3: Management

What does the evidence say for best practice management of shoulder instability? Surgery or physical therapy? Is it that binary?
What does best practice exercise prescription look like for shoulder instability?
Does it differ for traumatic versus atraumatic presentations?
What type of exercise?
What is the aim of exercise management?

I bet I will get rid of my joint pain thanks to the lessons from The Stiff And Unstable Shoulder :v – Admin

Jared is an experienced musculoskeletal physiotherapist from the Gold Coast, Australia. He has a special interest in the shoulder joint and is enrolled in a PhD in this area at Bond University.
Jared strongly leans on scientific evidence in his clinical practice and research, leading to many early mornings and late nights geeking out on the latest research!
Jared teaches his shoulder workshops both in Australia and overseas to much acclaim. He also maintains a teaching role at Bond University where he teaches the shoulder to budding physiotherapy students.
Jared believes in the inherent adaptability and strength of human beings and this is strongly backed up by the scientific literature. As such, therapeutic exercise and education are the pillars upon which Jared approaches management of shoulder pain.
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Delivery Method:?Instant Download?(Mega)
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