Thedaytradingroom – Options Trading Business
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Here’s just a small sample of things you’ll discover:
Module 1:
Introduction To Trading As A Business
Description: This section introduces you to a new way of trading options — as a business. Emphasis is on risk management and building a portfolio of trades that can be managed strictly ‘by the numbers’.
Module 2:
Introduction To Trade Types and Analysis
Description: This module includes a brief overview of buying and selling options using vertical spreads, double vertical spreads, bull call spreads, straddles, calendars, double calendars, and iron condors. It also includes a discussion of time value, intrinsic value, extrinsic value, and in-the-money (ITM), at-the-money (ATM), and out-of-the-money (OTM) options. In addition you’ll learn how to setup and use the thinkorswim platform to analyze your trades.
Module 3:
The Greeks – Managing By The Numbers
Description: The ‘Greeks’ play a critical role in your trading business. They are the numbers you’ll use to manage your portfolio profitably.In this module, you’ll gain an understanding of exactly what the Greeks are and, exactly how they impact your business. This section includes a video and a comprehensive, yet easy to read 5 page CONFIDENTIAL REPORT on how to profit from “The Greeks”.
Module 4:
Trade Selection And Strategy
Description: In this module you’ll learn how to determine which positions to put on and precisely when and how to put them on. You’ll also learn what charts, if any, really matter, and we’ll take a look at the big picture behind what we’re doing.
Module 5:
Portfolio Building
Description: You’ll discover how to build a portfolio by putting on positions that work together. This is where many traders go wrong – they put on individual positions and do not understand how they affect their overall portfolio.
Module 6:
Using The TOS Platform – The Tools Of The Trade
Description: ThinkorSwim (TOS), is in my opinion, the best broker and has the best trading platform available. If you had to pay separately for the types of analysis tools they give you as an account holder, it would cost you hundreds of dollars a month in fees – with TOS they’re totally free.
Module 7:
Portfolio Management By The Greeks, Adjustments, VIX and More…
Description: Now that you’ve built your portfolio, your key to success is to manage it by the numbers. You learned the Greeks, now it’s time to put them into action. When you’ve completed this section you’ll be able to look at the numbers and quickly determine what they mean and what to do with them, if anything.
Module 8:
The Art Of Adjustments – The Secret Key
Description: What happens when your numbers don’t look good? This is where 99% of all traders get killed… they have no clue what to do when a position goes against them. So they just take the loss.It’s too bad because most trades can be saved. They can be made profitable by adjusting… Imagine making one small change to your position and increasing your odds of making a profit by 80%! That’s what adjusting can do for you!Adjustments are the missing link in option trading that almost no one teaches.
Module 9:
Closing Positions
Description: Discover how and when to close your positions for maximum profits… The risks of holding positions into expiration week… When and how to ‘buy’ short-term insurance to protect your profits… How to close positions and get free trades left over — that have a chance of DOUBLING your profits.
Module 10:
The Big Picture – Technical Analysis
Description: Part 1 – In this section you’ll find out which key analysis tools are critical in helping you determine the probabilities of market direction. We’ll discuss why the market moves up and down in a seemingly random fashion, and you’ll get a historical perspective on market movements going back to 1900.You’ll end up with a realistic plan of attack for determining future market direction based on factual evidence.In Part 2, you’ll learn about short-term indicators that can help you to better time your trades. And you’ll discover an indicator that predicts short-term and opening market direction with an amazing degree of accuracy. It’s right nearly 95% of the time!
Module 11:
Advanced Techniques And Explosive Wealth Building Strategies
Description: This should actually be titled as a bonus section. It not only contains the most powerful options strategies on the planet, it also introduces you to a couple of Super High-Powered stock trading strategies.