Download Now The 80K Client By Zarak Khan. Download This Course For Cheap Price…
Before I begin, let me state that I will be discussing the 80k Client.
This is the most affordable course available.
1st batch
-No guarantees on future batches
Now that we’ve cleared that up…
It isn’t as difficult as you may believe.
One client may pay you $2,000 each month, and that’s only the beginning.
With just 5 yeses, you’ll be on your way to making over $100,000 in free cash flow in your first year. That’s cash on the table.
If those clients pay you $5,000 per month on average, that’s $300,000.
Nothing is off the table in this course.
This is not a difficult task.
This is a guest post from Zarak Khan, who has managed 80k+ clients on AdWords. He shares his expertise in optimizing client accounts with keyword targeting.
You’ve got this client who’s just started their new business and need some help with branding. It’s not big, but it’s their first job. They’re working in a small office and you know they need to stand out from the crowd. What are they looking for? Let me tell you the story of Zara Khan.
Sales Page Link
Official Price: $200
Our Price: $25
Email us if you want to buy it or contact us on chat!