Amira Rahim What You Get:
Amira Rahim Module 1
Art Abundance Mindset
Quickly identify what your influences are and with my mentorship, you’ll find your north star to guide you toward a unique painting style.
Shift your subconscious in your sleep with healing meditations that attract wealth, opportunities, and increased confidence.
Module 2
Color Mastery
Learn exactly how to use the color wheel to your advantage when creating vibrant paintings that sell both online and in person.
Discover my unique approach for achieving color harmony in every single painting.
Explore what color palettes you’re attracted to and why, and watch as your visceral connection to color develops and grows.
Module 3
Composition 101
Infuse the 3 main elements of composition into your work to create intuitive blueprints for your paintings.
Decode the work of your favorite artists so you can expand your painting skills and vision.
Use the composition tools used by designers and photographers to strengthen your abstract work.
Easily learn how to assess your paintings and move past the “ugly duckling” phase to the finish line.
Module 4
Composition 201
Compose your paintings with ease and confidence using my 3Rs.
Discover how to effortlessly raise the vibrations of your paintings to avoid dull work.
Master the skill of adding detail and color alterations to strategically evolve your simpler compositions
Sales Page Link
Official Price: $997
Our Price: $40
Email us if you want to buy it or contact us on chat!